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Everything posted by BloodRed

  1. Hey I live there too. I have heard good and bad things about the complex. You would have had to fill out a condition of the apartment form when you first moved in. I normally never fill these out untill after the move is finished just in case you damage anything during the move. Anyway, they should have gave you a copy of those forms a few weeks after you filled them out. Just get them and check it againist the apartment. You should be ok if there is no damage. But if it does come down to going to the main office, Ardent's office is right off Polaris Parkway on the East side of 71, behind the Steak N' Shake.
  2. I have a car loan through Tel-hio as well and they gave me a great rate and have been great to work with. Of course this is on a newer car, so I don't know how well they work with older cars. I have heard most of the big names won't give loans on cars older than 2000.
  3. +1 on asking the father. A lot of times, it finally makes you look like a man in the fathers eyes. Mine was kind of cheesy. I originally told her we were going out to a nice dinner some place. My friend and I started cooking this really nice dinner for us and then I went to go pick her up like normal. He "called" and told me that he needed me to stop by his house and pick something up. So we stopped and went down to his cottage behind his house, where he told me to "meet" him. Anyway, when we opened the door, he was there all nice and dressed up like a waiter and had the dinner all ready for us to eat. So of course I popped the question during dessert. It was just me and her, but that was the way we liked it. Later that night we met up with her family for their big family Christmas get-together, so she got to show off the ring.
  4. We got our cat declawed at the Alexandia Animal hopsital. It was done like 3 years ago and I think they charged us like $94. We didn't have to get the shots or anything, but they did suggest it. I was living in Johnstown at the time so that worked for us. We now take our pets to a vets office that is on Park Road in Worthington/Westerville, but I can never remember the name. They seem to have good prices on stuff for my dog.
  5. My wife was showing me Google Street view this weekend. If you set the camera right, you can read the cars license plates plan as day...
  6. From the looks of that engine, I would say no, the turbo didn't survive. But I guess it will just matter where it is located at. If it is on the passenger side of the car, it might not be too bad. Hey Evan, is this your emo/goth brothers car? Hatchet and broken toilet one?
  7. I know back when I went to the JVS in Licking County, the we could get our cars fixed for just the cost of parts. I always did my own stuff, so I never used them. I know a few kids that did and they didn't have any problems. Of course that was mechanical stuff. If it was body work, they had a different course for that, and that was full of the stoners and drop outs out of the mechanic classes. I doubt they could even draw a straight line, let alone make a car straight.
  8. Can I request you for my claims adjuster when another idiot with progressive hits my car in the apartment complex I live in?
  9. From what I have heard, they don't work. This info came from second or thrid hand people, so who knows. I mean to a point, how would you know if it would work with there cameras unless you did get caught?
  10. My friend works for one of the teams during the summer in the pit crew. I am going to see if he can get me a good area.
  11. I know with FedEx if I know the tracking number and the package is at the hub, you can walk in and they will go find it for you. I use to do that all the time when I lived in Johnstown and had stuff from NewEgg delivered. They wouldn't drop it off at the door so I would just stop over after work and they always got it for me. I am not sure if UPS will do that though.
  12. Not at this point, but I grew up in Licking County, and everyone knew of how nasty the lake is. I know a few years ago all of a sudden like half the fish in the lake just up and died. If I remember right they were dredging a part of the lake and it killed off a lot of oxygen in the lake and all the fish died. ODNR never cleaned up the dead fish, just let them rot on top of the water. Only thing they did clean up was the dam when it got backed up with the dead fish.
  13. As far as I know, nothing was ever said when they returned the car. This happened in the late 90's, so the story has been around for a while. The photos from the story are out of an old Mopar magazine they don't publish anymore.
  14. Here you go: http://www.ag.auburn.edu/users/gparmer/articles/neon/ The 2.0 (132hp) Automatic Neon went from a 1/4 time of 16.90 @ 81MPH to a 13.82 @ 102MPH with a 150 shot.
  15. Very interesting to hear what the medical field feels about auto insurance companies. I know most of us have heard the 3 C body shop commericals about there favorite insurance companies.
  16. That doesn't surprise me one bit. Alum Creek is a pretty nasty body of water. But not as bad as Buckeye Lake.
  17. I have heard about this before. It locks the doors and starts playing the music. I think it is great. I know the one they use to have was a black honda civic.
  18. Yeah that is a old repost, but still a funny story. Reminds me of the one with the 1st gen Dodge Neon rental that they added good amount of nitrous took it to the drag stip, almost blew up the engine and then un-installed everything and returned to the rental car company. I will have to dig up that story.
  19. I know a lot of people that switch auto insurance companies every 6 months to a year. It normally isn't a problem. Insurance companies normally check your credit report, so you may see a hit on that every time they get you a quote or new policy. It shouldn't be a hit that effects your score, but some times people look at those when checking credit.
  20. This has been making it across the car forums. Yeah I think it is major BS and of course the person can not answer any tech questions.
  21. Yeah I had the same thing done when I was about 13 on both big toes. I had a problem with ingrown toe nails all the time. Anyway, like Akula said, it does grow back. It didn't bother me after I got it done. I never liked getting the shots into the toe, but once the pain meds wore off I didn't have any pain problems. I think I kept my wrapped up for about a week while it healed.
  22. I believe this program should be able to do what you want. It is called Wavepad. Not 100% if it saves in mp3 format, but I know it does wav and wma. http://www.nch.com.au/wavepad/
  23. Yep discount tire on Sawmill, it is near the Home Depot. Also there is a NTB off, I think the road is Billingsly road that runs right next to 270, next to the Hyundai dealership.
  24. Just like people I know that rip on you if you don't own a Camero/Firebird/Corvette/Mustang... Chrysler classic is this weekend and Mopar Nationals are in August.
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