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Everything posted by BloodRed

  1. Can't wait to hear what it can do now.
  2. Wow that sucks. Pretty impressive break.
  3. I have heard a lot of early reviews saying it sucks. I guess I want to hear the album before I get it. Chester has been interviewed and said he isn't as angry as he use to be, so his songs reflect it.
  4. If you don't mind spending a little more for good quality, look for a Cannon S3. I got one about a month back and it the best digital camera I have ever had. 6x optical zoom and I think another 10x digital. Yeah I spent around $300 for the camera, and then picked up a 2 gig SD card for $20 from NewEgg and I was set. With the 2 gig card I can take around 1,700 photos in the highest quality. The camera is also great on battery life (4 AA).
  5. BloodRed

    dvd ripping

    I use DVD Shrink, DVDecypter and DVDFab and have yet to find a DVD I couldn't back-up.
  6. We all knew when Diamler originally purchased Chrysler it wasn't going to last long. I think they did do a good job of turning Chrylser around with new and better products, but it still didn't help the original problem, money. Hopefully the new owners won't kill off the things that works for Chrylser (Jeep) and doesn't effect the release of the Challenger.
  7. A friend of mine did one of the courses a few weeks back and had a blast.
  8. I was going to say the same thing. There are a ton of places that you can do your wedding through and the license is cheap, with only a few extra bucks for being out of state.
  9. Ok makes since about the licencing. I worked on my grandparents farm when growing up as a kid and never really looked into the legality of it all. I do still strongly believe that farm equipment should keep off of highways if all possible. I am ok with them being on the road for a short amount of time or if there is no other way to get to where they are going, but in my opinion, they should not be on highways if they can use a road that is not as busy to get where they are going. I know that is what we did on my grandparents farm. At times they can be a safety hazard going 5 mph on a highway where the speed limit is 55.
  10. That is crazy. So what about tracters, combines, etc? I mean in all honesty, they shouldn't even been on the highway, but they do. Do they somehow have to drain there tanks and change their filters because while they are on the farm they ran the red stuff, but now they are on the highway, they can't use it. Doesn't make since. I know, laws hardly ever do. I know daily trucks using red diesel run on the highway. I grew up in Utica and my father-in-law is the manager of the Utica mill, I know it happens every day.
  11. Looks like they are trying to get the hell out of the photo. They don't want to be seen with that thing. LOL
  12. Also when it comes to high priced items, bidding off the wall dollar amounts like $100.62 can help you win. Basically once the bidding hits a certin amount, the minimum bid goes up anywhere from $0.50-$10. Basically if you say bid $100.62, the other guy will have to at least bid $101.62 to out bid you. If they only bid $101.00, they won't win the auction. I do that as well and it seems to work for me.
  13. I will keep her in my thoughts and prayers.
  14. yep that is where it is. Down in the strip mining country of Ohio. I camped there once when I was a kid in Boy Scouts. It was a nice camp ground.
  15. Friends of mine did it when they went to England a few years back. They said it is a honest deal. There shouldn't be any surprises.
  16. Just throw a couple bags of feed into the back of your truck. Then if you do get pulled over and they say something about using the fuel, tell them this is your farm truck you were just picking up some feed for your cows or something.
  17. There is no alcohol in any State park. As for good places, I like to go to Mohican and Hocking hills area. I have also been to Lake Hope a few times and it is pretty nice. Not much to do there. A couple haunted locations around there, so it normally keeps me a little busy.
  18. Aftermarket speakers should work, just to get the best sound, you will need to match up what the factory ones had, mainly the Ohm's. I am guessing the stock Bose system will more than likely be either 4 or 8 Ohm's.
  19. I know when I have purchase a car off someone, in the past, I just always told them the selling price was $100. I paid the $6.75 in taxes and the notery fees and I was done.
  20. PM sent. It sounds like your uncle may have what I am looking for. Just let me know.
  21. Next time you go in, ask for a BBQ pulled pork Blizzard. It normally ends up with a call to the corporate office asking if they can do that and corp will say no. LOL For me, peanut butter cup.
  22. I am looking to buy a Jeep Wrangler/CJ7, or later model Jeep. Any year, engine, transmission, and mileage will be considered. Doesn't need to be running, but would love it if I could at least drive it home. Let me know if you or anyone you know is looking to sell. I have wanted one of these to build up to a mild 4X4 since I was a kid and now I am looking for a new project. $1 - $5,000 range.
  23. It will be just like it was when Martha was in jail. The news trying to make news out of someone we all could care less about.
  24. I will keep the look out for it as well. I wish you luck in finding it.
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