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Everything posted by Akula

  1. http://politics.slashdot.org/story/13/12/03/171250/tesla-faces-off-against-car-dealers-in-another-state-ohio
  2. I have an unlimited 4GLTE Data plan with unlimited everything else on VZ. With TMo you will find that they don't have much 4G coverage, you have to be in a population dense area most of the time. With VZ, CDMA for cell means you get to make phone calls. Tmo seems to drop a bit. I would ask for a 45 day trial period. Bake-off style.
  3. I agree. I have looked at the code and can almost dissect it. If I take a week off of work and sit in a classroom for a week focused, I learn more.
  4. I know there are a few coders on here. I am looking to take an intro class for HTML, JS and jQ. I can google so I know where the classes are but personal experience is what I am looking for. Has anyone taken these classes? Where did you go, was it a good class... I know I can take this on CodeAcademy but my learning style is such that I need focussed time, I tend to go post on CR when I am supposed to be doing CodeAcademy stuff.
  5. A watch with a second hand, one that can be washed over and over again.
  6. The really really important thing to remember is, if I have physical access to the drive...I win. There is a mechanism to un-encrypt the data on the drive itself, I just need to trigger that mechanism. Lots of great papers out there and really good tools for busting full disk encryption. Having said that, TrueCrypt.
  7. I used to rekey at Sears. Its simple.
  8. She out of the ICU yet? Sucks man, I hope she pulls through quickly so you guys can get back to normal.
  9. Congrats, my wife ran the 1/2. She ran the full in Dingle Ireland, worth it if you are into that sort of thing.
  10. kona brewing is one of my favorites. Since they now have off-island breweries I have been skeptical they will keep the quality but it seems to still be pretty good.
  11. The Hunt for Red October is why I became a Submarine Sonar Tech.
  12. If they want to use your property, you charge them per amp.
  13. Catch it, chain it up in your yard. The neighbors will wonder where it went. That gives you the opportunity to explain you do not want that dog in your yard. Next time, catch the dog - call animal control.
  14. BJ and the Bear, MASH, Dukes of Hazzard.
  15. I go there 2 or 3 times per year, I don't gamble.
  16. I won't say justice is done but, I am not unhappy about it.
  17. http://16-bitbar.com/games/ < -- game list. I like the games. Hipsters tend to never go right when a place opens so go early and leave when the stench is too great.
  18. The other thing to keep in mind is the custom builders negotiate a certain amount of work for the prices they get from the subs. So if you want a different kind of furnace, you will pay retail PLUS the builder's upcharge. For instance, I wanted Geo-Thermal heat. The unit would have been $18,000 installed. Take it through the builder, $25,000.
  19. I built with them. They cut corners just like everyone else. Your floors will be uneven. Expect problems with the mechanical stuff they buy because they buy the cheapest. If you stay on top of them and force them to do things correctly, you will be fine. I am still insulating things they never did but should have. I still have to deal with the squeaky crooked floors.
  20. Basi Italia in the city or Ann n Tony's in west jeff.
  21. You can tell its age because Top Fuel doesn't run 1/4 mile anymore.
  22. If you leave the cover off, the fence stops people from drowning.
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