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Everything posted by Akula

  1. Have all the ISPs in Columbus ceased build out? I live in a pretty affluent area, with the average cost per home about double what it is in the burbs. I can see a High School from my house. Why cant I get High Speed Internet? Time Warner is the service provider for Cable out here, no Road Runner. ATT is the phone company, no DSL. I am currently running off of EVDO but I cannot stand the upload speed. I guess I don't understand why TWC or ATT hasn't provisioned high speed out here when my dad (who lives in a town of 85 people) can get it at his house.
  2. I have a guy for this. He has done several 401K roll-overs for me and is good about setting up retirement and abiding by risks you are willing to take. I trust him. http://danielneary.nmfn.com/ Tell him Jason Kent sent you. (he will probably take you to lunch)
  3. Do you guys browse to the apps or are you using bbmanager?
  4. It is for Cadbury, but I just laughed and laughed at it. Anyone know the song? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVblWq3tDwY
  5. look at it from the point of view of the police officer, pulls a car over and people come out yelling at him/running off.
  6. Skilled, yes, time, no. Might I suggest you take it to Devry or ITT and ask one of their tron chasers to fix it.
  7. This thread reminds me I have to schedule the CCNA class again in San Jose. My NA expires in April. What is a good test prep engine anymore?
  8. My guess is the jack is surface mounted and the pads pulled loose. You can probably solder it yourself.
  9. The Written was $100, you have to fly to a Cisco site for the lab. I was on a team that created a similar test for Aruba Networks. The failure rate was very high, everyone thinks they can make the gear dance.
  10. I am traveling for work, I sight see after meetings etc... I think BMW closes at 6 and I am flying home early in the AM.
  11. Not this people, real networkers do it in their head. /25 is half of a /24. If you have ever looked at and-ing the binary bits from an IP to a sub-net it is pretty easy to see how it works. Additionally having to work it backwards into a wildcard mask will really cement it for you.
  12. CCIE is the last zero to hero cert. You can pass the written using the above methods, but you will never pass the lab without a large expenditure. CCNA is a good certification to have as if you have passed it recently, you have some competency in networking (however most CCNAs cannot subnet IP in their head). A+ and N+ are only for real newbs.
  13. This brings up a few points. Always check your paperwork. Always communicate clearly IN WRITING when this sort of things happens. If I hear "you will be alright" I ask, how is that and will you write the explanation down?". She may have asked "are you going to throw me out this month" and the guy on the phone said "you will be alright". Context is everything and that is why correspondence about this type of thing must be in writing. As far as what she can do, she needs to pay up or get out. Can she raise the $6000 she needs? I hope she voted for Obama, cuz he is supposed to be saving people like this.
  14. Anyone know when VZW plans on upgrading the available SW on the network? I don't like mucking with my phone with downloaded SW.
  15. Paris was pretty good. The French are rude (I know, who knew), they smoke all the time, and I wasn't impressed by the food (worst steak ever). Currently in Munich, pretty good amount of snow on the ground. The U-Bahn is super simple to navigate, I love good public transport. Work in Paris and Munich has been quite good, getting stuff done is always worth while. Auckland coming up this weekend. I might not come home.
  16. Wait, they actually fired you for stealing? Never terminate with cause, at-will means I can terminate for no reason (can't fight it in court). If you did something to improve your performance, and didn't actually steal anything, you will be a rich man. Get a lawyer fast.
  17. Building global networks. Optimizing traffic flow within said networks. Also I can BS my way into just about any job.
  18. I am having dinner at Versailles tonight. Tomorrow I head into Paris, staying next to the Louvre. Then Munich. Ohio for 2 days, then San Fran for a night and finally Auckland.
  19. Amsterdam was very good. I figured out that pot brownies are the only way to fly trans-atlantic.
  20. Can you use the video recorder, record something and save it. I have a mac, how do I upgrade the SW with a mac? BTW, they had the wrong SIM number in the system, Storm works in Paris.
  21. Awesome, got to Paris and viola... doesn't f'ing work. Is there anyone at VZW that understands there are more places in the world than the US? I love that all their customer support numbers are 1-800 (cannot be dialed INTL).
  22. Just learned that there is a general labor strike in France when I get there. Awesome! I will be even more pissed that the french suck.
  23. Pretty common for a giant project. But, it shouldn't be blacked out, it should be limited. Now they will have a glut of people with vacation they need to take or the bank will take it away. I would call HR and bitch.
  24. I know the phone is capable. What I am saying is that VZW is telling me I have to call when I leave the country and call when I return so they can switch the billing back and forth. They didn't have to do this with my other BB. I have been traveling to Europe and Asia for several years now and have never heard this nonsense (I am familiar with how it works).
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