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Everything posted by Akula

  1. Take some gravel too, that has loads o' bacteria
  2. I have the same problem, my mouth will not numb. Then I met my current dentist, he is super old school. Aparently they drugs they use have to be injected almost into the nerve, if your nerve isn't where it is in a text book, you will have this problem. So it took him like 45 minutes and several attempts but it was the first time I ever had no pain in the chair.
  3. Well, I just hope that his change doesn't cause another 9/11 like Bush has been blamed for, or another Katrina that Bush created, or a global economic meltdown like the one Bush orchestrated..... Obama is setup perfectly. If he fails then, no one could have done it. If he makes it all turn around, he did what they all said he would do. The media has set him up to not lose.
  4. maybe the dlink has different forwarding rules. I use a regular commercial router, public IPs, and private IPs. My web stuff has a real public IP on it and I don't pat. Not sure.
  5. that makes sense. Packet leaves your PC destined for from an inside interface. I assume you have a PAT setup to point all http traffic to When the packet gets to the routing engine it will either pat your request or just forward it, or block it depending on FW rules. Now the webserver will reply to the request by sending the packet to What should it do with it? forward it to It depends on what is happening at the route engine. can you open the web server address at (intranet)?
  6. not sure what os you have, can you do a source ping from the external on the webserver to the pc? it looks like (assuming your router) doesn't have a route to the external IP address on the webserver or the webserver doesn't have a default gateway on the return via the external interface could be firewalls I can try to figure this out via webex if you like.
  7. from your PC can you traceroute to the webserver? from the webserver can you traceroute to your pc?
  8. Akula


    The problem is most sites are streaming FLV, which is difficult to cache and thus everyone is opening their own session. that skynews one is rtsp or mms or some real streaming vid.
  9. LED bulbs are pretty expensive now. But I did put an LED/Solar floodlight set on my chicken coop. Cost me about $35 and I get light even now when the sun isn't up that much. LED is so energy efficient. I just switched my heating to all electric, now I have to put up solar panels to offset the cost of electricity.
  10. There isn't enough information here. I see you are on 192.168.1.x (assuming /24). Is there a route from 192.168 to the 76.181.x.y net? Is there a route back? What is the subnet on the 76. network?
  11. Get a pair of crutches and a leg cast/thingy. They will give you priority boarding.
  12. They have a new 1-50 system, you get assigned a number and line up in order. They say "get on the plane" and you get first come first serve seat (unless you have the buy-up ticket, then you get a better seat).
  13. In Sweden there is a tax if you want to drive a car older than 5 years, in the US we want to pay you for it.
  14. I am going back to Hong Kong in Feb and I am connecting via NRT (Northwest Airlines). I have never been in NRT and wondered if I should expect a difficult time due to lack of Japanese in the language department. It has never been a problem being mon-lingual (American) before but just wondered.
  15. I would like to say, goodbye to that store. I like that Best Buy understands there are PC and Mac users out there. They have software for many things, they have movies and music. And like it was said, things in stock. I have even had Best Buy people if I had any questions about wireless networking (though they don't understand 3x3 MIMO with 3 spacial streams).
  16. I just got a ticket via a red-light camera in chicago from a rental car I was driving. $125
  17. I am from Northern Minnesota -30 is several weeks of our winter. I would have never had school. just put some damn clothes on.
  18. too soon? no one was killed.
  19. My children don't have schoot and my chickens are freezing out in the coop.
  20. On take off with a large load of fuel (especially if the airline is being cheap and making them mule fuel with the plane) it is hard to take off with one engine.
  21. What about the geese? I am about 20 miles from where this happened.
  22. sucks man I don't have anything available but want an intern for a course I am working on. I will PM my email.
  23. Sorry man, life is more fragile than any of us want to believe. Just makes me realize that saying "we should take a trip sometime" needs to be more like "lets go". I have only just met my dad in the last 10 years and he and I have become close. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
  24. http://www.google.com you can try indoor skydiving there is one in Vegas
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