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Everything posted by Bam

  1. A..........or D. Return it and go elsewhere. When I bought my appliances from lowes a couple years ago I went through 4 fridges before I accepted one and I still made them give me another $200 off it. Lowes FTL on appliances/delivery.
  2. Bam


    This will be the last response, because honestly none is needed but I'll entertain you once more. There is no question of me providing for my kid, so you've got your facts wrong there, and there were no tears shed, you were simply dragging my thread down with your USELESS posts, so I requested you be removed, simple as that. If you can't understand that, that's fine, nothing I can do about it. It is a wonderful thought that you would KILL YOURSELF, (aka take the easy way out), if you couldn't provide for your kid, yet you would be making the situation WORSE by leaving a parentless child in this world. WOW, you really DON'T think before you type, do you?
  3. Well just waiting to hear back from my attorney, I guess this thread wasn't as helpful as I had hoped. Oh well.
  4. Bam


    Awww... E-tear.
  5. Wonderful, You know EVERYTHING, which of course, I already knew by your previous posts. You should know, since you know everything, that whether or not I chose to take advantage of Title 20 for a year, your costs didn't change, you still paid for it, whether or not I use it. And yes, I chose to take a year off and finish school because SHIT happens, and not everyone has MOMMY AND DADDY to give them tons of money to buy shit and nice cars. And I was 19 when I found out my girlfriend was pregnant, so I chose to do the responsible thing and get a job to support my daughter, rather than continue school and be an unfit parent. I then went back to school part time for the past 4 years, while working. Things changed and I saw the opportunity to better our lives by finishing my ONE year of school left if i went FULL time, and get out of crappy paying jobs, so I took it. I have no regrets. Now take your negativity and useless posts and stay the fuck out of MY thread. Thanks
  6. You aren't. You're paying into a fund that assists with this. She doesn't go full time, and I have to have someone to watch her while I'm in class. duh
  7. I understand someone is paying it, I paid it while I worked and she's paying it while working, it's all part of the taxes. I took a year off to finish school, I graduate in May. It's not like we'll be using it forever, but that's the reason it is there, for situations like this. But this thread isn't about that, I am curious to hear about anyone else's experience with this and regards to the legal jargon. Thanks
  8. It's because of our income. I currently don't work and she only makes like $12/hr. The health insurance is free, the daycare is just discounted.
  9. Well see, she does get Title 20, for help with daycare costs, and I think our daughter is on Caresource, which is free health insurance... What do these have to do with it? It's not like I haven't been in my daughters life since day one, I am on the birth cert and they have had knowledge I am the father since day one, so I'm just wondering if this paperwork will change anything?
  10. I have my own attorney, LOL, its just LATE and I can't really call her right now, well I could but I don't feel like it. I will be having her review this latest version of the document, but still, I was curious and wanted to understand better while it was fresh in my mind. thanks guys
  11. Ok, so we're finally finishing up the shared parenting custody agreements and while we agree on everything and I'm fine with all that, I have a question about all the legal mumbo jumbo at the end of the document that HER attorney prepared. It physically states that NEITHER parent is ordered to pay child support and that the MOTHER, is responsible for maintaining health insurance and ALL costs associated with our daughter, daycare, activities, etc are to be shared 50/50. That's all in clear and plain english. But then at end of the document, for a couple pages, it goes on and on about legal codes and shit like that, and states something to the effect of... EACH PARTY TO THIS SUPPORT ORDER MUST NOTIFY THE CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AGENCY IN WRITING OF HIS OR HER CURRENT MAILING ADDRESS, CURRENT RESIDENCE ADDRESS, CURRENT RESIDENCE TELEPHONE NUMBER, CURRENT DRIVER’S LICENSE NUMBER, AND OF ANY CHANGES IN THAT INFORMATION. EACH PARTY MUST NOTIFY THE AGENCY OF ALL CHANGES UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE FROM THE COURT OR AGENCY, WHICHEVER ISSUED THE SUPPORT ORDER. IF YOU ARE THE OBLIGOR UNDER A CHILD SUPPORT ORDER AND YOU FAIL TO MAKE THE REQUIRED NOTIFICATIONS, YOU MAY BE FINED UP TO $50 FOR A FIRST OFFENSE, $100 FOR A SECOND OFFENSE, AND $500 FOR EACH SUBSEQUENT OFFENSE. IF YOU ARE AN OBLIGOR OR OBLIGEE UNDER ANY SUPPORT ORDER ISSUED BY A COURT AND YOU WILLFULLY FAIL TO GIVE THE REQUIRED NOTICES, YOU MAY BE FOUND IN CONTEMPT OF COURT AND BE SUBJECTED TO FINES UP TO $1000 AND IMPRISONMENT FOR NOT MORE THAN 90 DAYS. ETC ETC ETC. It says they can garnish my wages/put leins on my assets/etc. Why do we need this in our document if 1) there is NO support order, 2) we agree on everything, and 3) we're not going in front of a judge, we're merely putting it on record that I rights as the father, even though I'm on her birth certificate/etc, without the document the mother has all the rights. Also, if the mother doesn't ASK/Request child support/whatever, the costs can't just decide to garnish my wages/whatever because they want to, right? I guess I'm just kinda leery about big brother, and them having me on 'file' per say in the child support agency, for no reason at all. TIA
  12. dude, $200/mon in gas like for last month? my bill last week for december was $63, and i keep the house at 70/71. It sounds like you really need to do it, but how do check he does it everywhere?
  13. LOL, $130 for cable and internet? I pay $57.xx after taxes and fees for my cable w/ dvr box and internet through WOW. It's been the same since December 2007. How in the fuck you get to more than two times that I'm not sure, but maybe that's what's keeping my rate low, lol.
  14. welcome, i didnt know they made the srt4 in that color tho? looks pimp for sure
  15. +1. Holy huge pics batman!
  16. Bam

    Force Fed

    lol, i remember some bald guy with a beard/goatee thing and i think he had a subaru, like the 2.5rs or something, don't remember his name or anything. they installed my first suspension kit, when i didn't know anything and was 16, wow the good ole days!
  17. Bam

    Force Fed

    is that the place that was off cassady by the airport? this was probably like 2002ish...i thought it was force fed something, but its been awhile
  18. oh snap, granted i was like 16 but i remember having a blast on those things, i guess maybe I'll go out there one day and see if anyone has a KT100 or TAG kart and will let me try it out or something, i'd think if they have 15 or 27hp compared to 4-9hp they would be able to move me fine. Wish a tag kart wasn't $2500 lol, I'd pick one up asap. Maybe I'll get ahold of that guy on here with a KT100 and see if I can check it out, seems like that might be a good kart to start on and circleville isn't far away. thanks for the info guys, sorry to OP if i threadjacked, but maybe we can start out together?
  19. I've done speeds like 8 years ago, before they closed, lol that was fun, are these the same thing?
  20. Wow, I didn't realize those little karts weighed that much. Damn, I may be to big for this sport, lol, I'm like 250lbs...not sure if a kt100 would move my fat ass, haha
  21. And what's up with the other link, where it says classes and MINIMUM weights? How does that work? How heavy is a kart? Because for 15years + you have to weigh a minimum of 350lbs it says, WTF?
  22. Well shit, they rent karts for $1.50/lap, LOL. I might have to go try it out when the weather gets better. How fast are the rental karts? Or how fast does your kart/a 100cc kart go?
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