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Everything posted by Bam

  1. Hopefully less than the $13k he had it listed for 6 months ago. Clean car, wish I had the moola.
  2. So what kind of racing do they do in circleville? and when is it/how much does it cost?
  3. What's that good for if nobody runs in the 100cc class? Just curious.
  4. This, you should figure out a rental deal, I've never done it but would like to try it before dropping a couple grand on one, plus you can pocket some cash.
  5. What is the difference between the 125cc shifter karts and the 125cc tag karts?
  6. I'm moving 2 miles down the road, lol. I will contact my insurance company and check with them. Thanks for the help guys.
  7. Pretty sure the standard is tickets from the BMV stay on your license 3 years, but insurance companies most times chose to go back 5 years. Sucks man.
  8. Just for shits and giggles, because it takes 2 seconds I ran an 01 gtp on progressive's website right now, and with $300k CSL, $10k med pymt and $500 deductibles, its under $60/month for a gtp. How are you at $220?
  9. First of all your insurance is crazy, who is that through? I've had 2 gtp's, among MANY other cars, and have never come close to paying that much per month. Next, you have to figure out what the car is worth vs. how much it costs you to insure it. I will say this though, back when I was 18 I decided I didn't want to pay for full coverage insurance because I thought it was a good idea, like you hadn't had any accidents etc. 3 months later I was coming home on 270 from work, it was pouring down rain and I ran into a FUCKING COUCH in the middle lane of 270, it spun me around and I smacked the center concrete divider at like 50mph. Totalled the car, a $4000 car I bought a few months earlier and since we didn't know who left a FUCKING COUCH on the hwy, I had to eat it. That's left a sour taste in my mouth since and I always have had full coverage, trust me, losing $4-$5k in an instant without recourse is painful. I'm sure your GTP is still a $4k car, I would get better quotes from insurance companies and keep full coverage. I had an 01 gtp and paid like $79/month, now I pay $61/month on my focus and I'm only 23 w/ one speeding ticket on my license currently. I like progressive. Do their online estimator.
  10. I may do that, I just didn't know if it varied on different loans/whatever, I mean I have a conventional 30yr fixed, but who knows. I'm sure I'm worrying for no reason, because as I said I looked through ALL my paperwork from closing and only found that one note about occupancy restrictions.
  11. I wouldn't be living there at the same time, not sure if you understood that from my post because of your last statement. No concerns of neighbor complaints, I'm friendly with all my neighbors and have my own driveway/garage. I would even make them aware of the situation beforehand because we're all cool. The family member is an older lady, so I doubt she's going to be causing any ruckus, lol. Cash is how I will be paid, so that I can pay my mortgage, I just wanted cash so there wasn't any traceable stuff, just in case even though according to my documents I'm fine. Thanks for your input.
  12. Ok, I'm considering renting out my house to a family member for a year to help me facilitate some things. While we would have a formal contract and cover all the legalities of it, it would be pretty hush hush from that, payment in cash, with a receipt given at time of payment. Basically I'm helping her out and she's helping me out, but I do NOT want to cause ANY ISSUES with my mortgage company or homeowner's insurance. I've reviewed my mortgage documents and I could only find two papers regarding occupancy, and both stated that I only had to occupy the residence for AT LEAST the first year, which I have since I'm going on my third year here, nothing else mentioned in regards to renting or whatnot. So does that mean I'm in the clear? Because I've heard/read about stories where people are renting their house out and their mortgage company finds out and they call their mortgage, meaning they have to pay it off in full, not something I want to do because I have an awesome rate and am fine with my current mortgage. So, any real estate people here, or mortgage people or lawyers? Basically I don't want to do this and have it backfire on me, I'm doing it to give someone a place to live for a year, and to save myself about $12,000 so that I can pay some shit off and save some money. Thanks Edit: I don't really want to call my mortgage company quite yet, I'm trying to get an idea beforehand.
  13. I'm 99% sure that I paid $20.99 for a box of 100 for 9mm, winchesters, so that's like .21 cents a round, so if reloads cost .15 cents a round PLUS your time, and you have to buy equipment, it hardly sounds worth it. I think it'd be more cost effective to buy larger amounts of ammo, like a case of 1000, because I'm sure the cost per round would drop.
  14. thx guys, close this i'm gonna start a dif one
  15. Bam


    besides the fact that she kept bugging him about going to get her nails did, ?
  16. Bam

    Shooting CREW

    IF they are open tomorrow, I'm pretty sure me, evolved and antwon are going...
  17. I'm considering renting out my upstairs, since we never use it and the extra money would be nice....It's about a 20x15 room, with a regular closet and a walk in closet that's 6ft x 8ft. The house is in Bexley as well. Any input on what people have charged for a room/experiences, etc would be appreciated.
  18. Bam

    haha wtf

    lol the dudes laugh makes it even better.
  19. Bam

    Pretty neat!

    Parking garage...duh.
  20. That's good to hear, didn't mean to shit in your thread or anything, lol. Get me $100 for mine and I'll give you 20%.
  21. Sucks to hear it, but that TV isn't worth shit. I've got a 32" Sony top of the line one circa 2004, so VERY similar to yours, and I can't find anyone to give me $50 for it, pretty gay I agree but the weight is a huge turnoff for people. GL though.
  22. Bam


    the standard one that came on my phone.
  23. DAAAAAYYYUUUMM! where was this and what's the damage?
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