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Everything posted by Bam

  1. just like the title reads, looking for a working, good condition a9l. thanks
  2. So this whole shared custody shit isn't really cutting it anymore with my baby's momma. We don't have anything officially through the courts, its just kinda like we split the kids joint bills,and pay for whatever she needs when she's with us. I have her Wednesday afternoon-Friday afternoon, and every other weekend, and her mom vice versa. But she's just a bitch and tries to use my timewith my daughter against me, life if she wants me to do something or she wants something she'll threaten me with taking her away etc. And I live in a better school district, 1 block from the school, own a house, am about to be married,and I feel offer my daughter a more stable life. her on the other hand lives in her sister's apartment, shares 1 bedroom w/ my daughter, meets different guys all the time, lives in the columbus/worthington area,so i think its columbus schools and she'd be bused, and she works odd hours/like 3 part time jobs, and sometimes takes my daughter with her on her 3rd job, which i don't think is appropriate/fair to her. Anyways,my daughter just turned 4, and we have been split for about 2 years. I want to take my ex to court and fight for residential custody as well as majority custody, although I'm fine with my ex having her some days etc, But I'm scared about the consequences if i lose, like as in child support etc etc. When we did the mediation thing like a year and a half ago through the courts, they estimated I would have to pay like $300+/month to my ex for child support,even though I would have my daughter half of the week, like 3-4 days. Which I dont think that is fair, nor can I afford it. I mean I already pay for everything my daughter needs when she's with me,plus some,then I pay half for her activities, like she does ballet/swimming lessons/ and isgoing to start soccer camp this summer, so another $300+ a month is rediculous and impossible I think. sorry for the long rant, I'm just at a loss of what to do and am really frustrated. thanks for any input
  3. ^^^so true, its funny how something so simple can confuse so many people.
  4. I have chase cc and checking accts,never had a problembut i don't abuse them either, but bac has my mortgage
  5. I do agree NEVER using them is bad, but leaving a balance on them for no reason is WORSE. I have 2 primary cards that I use monthly, they both have cash rewards. The rest of my credit cards I only use sparingly, like once every 3-6 months to keep them active.
  6. If I, or anyone with any real amount of credit available to them, kept a quarter of their available credit as a running balance each month, we'd have a lot more people in HUGE debt. I'm not going to say what a quarter of my available credit is, but I know if I have this much at 23, people 20 years my senior have got to have rediculous amounts of available credit, but does that mean they need to use it? Think about it....it's most likely a scam from the bank/card issuer to milk money from you. And...I'm done. Enough of my blabbering for a thread, good luck to the OP on the job and a house.
  7. Well I've always done the opposite, and have heard to do from people within the financial workforce, (friends/people I know within the financial industry, not joe schmoe at a bank), and I as well have north of a 750 at an age of 23, with a mortgage in my name and plenty of available credit. Not trying to start any fights here or spew incorrect information, so anything is possible, but as with many things, I'd recommend anyone not take TOO much seriously from an internet forum. For REAL financial advice, seek elsewhere. Just my .02
  8. The second part doesn't really make sense...if you don't carry a balance but use your card monthly and pay it off, you still have record of you making payments....without wasting money on interest.
  9. AFAIK, no credit scoring system takes into equity on a loan, no way too really. And you should NEVER leave a balance on your credit card, it in no way helps to raise your score, only costs you money. And yes, inquiry's for a loan WILL hurt your score by lowering it, one may not, but it could, if you didn't have a $10k car loan one day, and the next month you did, you're almost certain to have a lower score because of it/the app.
  10. Do not apply credit anytime up to a year in advance of getting a loan. It could bring your score down and possibly make you seem like you're desperate or need loans/cc to get by.
  11. why? so the haunted house demon has to walk all the way down to the basement to flip the switch? damn you're mean.
  12. Bam

    I'm 23 today.

    In on the first page!!
  13. Looks pretty spotty/not uniform. Is that because its wet or needs more coats or just how it's supposed to be?
  14. I'm more stunned by the choice of music, lol, definitely did not expect that....
  15. fuckin' sweet man!!! I so want to do this, if I can find someone to trade me my bike for a fox i'm gonna put this kit on it. good luck man, and get it tuned asap.
  16. dude you're a noob, GTFO!! Welcome new guy, maurader looks tits!
  17. Bam


    welcome... +1 for having a bike....even if it is a can-o-tuna.... Hope to see you out sometime...
  18. werd, i agree, I already pay extra for living in bexley, income and property taxes....ghey....
  19. Are you single? If so and you're at $4000, I'm not even double for 3 more people + life insurance + motorcycle insurance + another car, so not bad I guess.
  20. No crazy tickets, no huge house, I mean its nice,but yeah. I think its just being young, and having 2 kids. And trust me, I have shopped around, some places wanted like a grand a year to insure my house... I pay $480. And some places wanted like $900 a year to insure my bike, I pay like $400, life insurance is optional but I have a ton of it and its a long term so you pay more, and health/vision/dental insurance on a family of four adds up. And we pay like $220/month for two cars with two drivers, not unreasonable given our age, and for some reaon a nissan minivan is expensive to insure...dunno why. But yeah I agree, if only we could do something about our health insurance problems...
  21. hey...... that rhymes...
  22. We were talking about it on another forum so I thought I'd post it here... Have you guys ever added up what you pay annually for insurance and did a double take? I mean seriously, you add up car/motorcycle/home/life/health insurance and figure what it costs you in a year, and I about want to shoot myself. We're paying all this "just in case". For me, it's about $7000 a year, that's HUGE. Take out health insurance and it's still like $4500 a year. Ouch, just thinking about that hurts, and think, most people don't even use it. I haven't made a claim on my homeowners ever...2 years and counting I have made one claim on my autos' in 8 years... I haven't made a claim on my motorcylce insurance ever...3 years and counting I'm obviously still here so I haven't made a claim on my life insurance ever... And sure I go to the doctor for annual checkups, but other than that(knock on wood) I haven't gotten really sick in a long ass time.... But my insurance company is getting rich off me. What do you guys think?
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