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Everything posted by Bam

  1. I got mine out, but I can't figure out how the go in. I got a bushing and a thing that looks like an oring, wtf.
  2. where is toyota west so I avoid them?
  3. Damn, that's $2600 down the crapper and I bet that was a lot of money back then!
  4. Bam

    need a new bank

    I bank with Chase and 5/3, although I really only use 5/3. But I've had great success with both.
  5. just an FYI, i spent an hour at Motorsports of Columbus yesterday and it was hell. WORST CUSTOMER SERVICE EVARRRR1!!! They did have a new 07 ninja 500 for $4k tho, and a few used bikes for $4-$5k, but there selection sucks and there employees blow ass chunks. I went to Iron Pony straight from there and would never go back to motorsports. I got personalized service from one guy off the bat, any questions he didn't know he know he got the answer for me fast. Dropped some good cash there and wouldn't hesitate to go back. I bought a used bike private party, but its too bad they don't sell bikes as well, it'd be a one stop shop.
  6. haha, mine waas dumber
  7. haha, this shit is hilarious...the beginning sucks cuz its just the chorus, but it gets a lot better, rofl.
  8. I think this story wasn't intended to be posted on a public forum....but that's just me.
  9. +1, when i bought my car in one of the bags came a little metal tag on a keychain, it has some security code on it that you can reference in you lose your keys, they said to store it somewhere safe out of the car, but I bought mine new so most people might never get that from a used car.
  10. +1, might not be cheap though. And I *think* the keys have computer chips in them, at least my 06 mazda does.
  11. looks better than the last time I saw it! But I think some settings on your camera need adjusting. Got the kinks smoothed out yet?
  12. Bam

    big dog

    I can attest to how clean and pimp this thing is, and its SO FUCKIN' LOUD. I was standing 5 foot away and my damn clothes were shaking off my body, beyond a pimp ride. Great Job cleaning it up Ryan, do mine,
  13. ^^^^Awesome, thanks man, ordering now! I checked ebay and there aint shit!
  14. I bought a bike yesterday! SCORE for me. Got all my gear today at Iron pony, so I won't make this weeks since I need to get my temps and get a little practice under my belt, but I'll be out shortly!! I'm pumped.
  15. I've got like 5 sets, definitely that big, i'll be around this week if you want to stop by and borrow it. Do you know of any good motorcycle accessory websites? I just went to Iron Pony and Motorsports of Columbus and neither of them could find frame sliders for my new bike. I want to get some incase I have a spill, but don't know where else to look. Matt
  16. Bam

    Vette or GTO?

    no 03/04 cobra love?
  17. haha, yeah, i remember those days, single again, its bitter sweet. well like I said, lemme get my temps this week and play around for a few days and I'd like to check them out in a few weeks, try wrenching on something different for a change.
  18. Bam

    Vette or GTO?

    i'd say the gto is a better bang for buck, but i wouldn't even consider a benz, you're just looking for problems and a lack of power. they are pigs, but most cars nowadays are, what about a bike?
  19. 160,000 miles on a bike, is that possible? lol Well I guess it'll never matter if you don't plan on selling the thing. Sorry I can't be help with it, I just found out yesterday that bikes have adjustable suspension and the guy I'm buying my bike from explained how it all worked, pretty cool. Do you have previous experience riding? I've NEVER been on a bike before, lol, so I've got a lot of practice and need to get more comfortable on one. Are those bikes carb'd or fuel injected? Mine is carb'd but my buddies is fuel injected, other than the tuning pros', I didn't really see a difference in them. I mean I've gotta play the choke for 30 seconds or whatever, but big effin deal.
  20. Wow, sounds like you've got your hands full. Are you going to fix everything and make it a good clean bike or just get it running and not worry about looks? Did anything change from the 97/98's that make you think everything is not interchangeable? Are wheels interchangeable between bikes? I just bought a 99 Honda and would like another wheel for a idea I've got. Have you looked into the price of fairings? When I looked for a gixxer I considered, I was coming out around $800-$1000 buying used ones and getting them painted to match. Definitely not cheap. So I take it you're keeping the 98 cause its clean title? Any idea on miles? Post some pics, I'm interested, seems like a different project. good luck.
  21. Bam

    Vette or GTO?

    Plus, you could probably buy an 04 GTO with less miles for the same price as a vette a few years older/higher miles. But the vette does get em wet, hmmm. Decisions decisions.
  22. Cool, do either run? Are you trying to finish the 97 or 98? What's bad about either one of them? Just the swingarm? Like I said, it'd be nice to stop out sometime in the next couple weeks and see the project, be glad to help if i could.
  23. I'm assuming you got a steal on both bikes to make this worth it right? Just curious, but I just bought a bike yesterday and I wouldn't mind stopping over and helping/checking it out. I'm trying to learn more about bikes.
  24. Camaro only, I've found two so far that meet my specs, but we'll see, one is in need a tranny replacement, but comes with the car, and the other one is in Texas...yeah. So I may just not get one this year, and I just bought a bike today so I might just enjoy a bike this year and continue my ls1 quest later this year/early next. I didn't really want to spend $15k, but that's the MAX I could do without going for broke.
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