I agree with what you guys are saying, and the time thing is semi-relevant, I don't have much time each week, but seeing how it is winter, I guess I've got a couple months.
Even though I've NEVER attempted anything this involved, I *think* I can handle it if I take my time.
The only reason why I would like it done by a seasoned mechanic is because one of the cars is my father's, and he would shit a brick if I ruined his motor. Not only that, but I'd have to fix it on my dime and I dunno, guess I'm just intimidated about this whole project.
I'd much appreciate it if someone wanted to oversee me and a friend putting things together and attempting to get it running again. The tear down/removal I'm not worried about, and the attention to detail I can have, but the initial re-install and getting it running is what I'm worried about.
Would anyone be willing to come hang out for a few nights? Beer/pop/pizza/wings provided of course, since I'm a big boy myself,