Ok, so I had the "1st" free consultation a few days ago, the ran a bunch of tests and whatnot, and basically said my eyes aren't that bad so I can probably just go with the normal, run of the mill procedure. He mentioned oblivation or whatever, asked if I was going in army/police, etc, and set me up for the 2nd "free" consulation at TLC, which is the "The Laser Center" It's off polaris and I go in on Monday. Anyone had their surgery done there? I'll tell you, he put drops in my eyes and they burned like a mother, and he scared me a few times with him talking about statistics and what not, and how most peoples eyes DO change after the surgery but unless its enough of a change that THEY feel you need glasses/correction, they won't cover it, and its only covered for like 5 years i think?
Anyways, I left there quite scared and with a bunch more questions and some answers. I guess I'll see what tehy say at TLC on monday before I decide, I just have a bad feeling about I guess. Which really sucks because I've wanted to get it done since I was like 16, and now that I'm 99% sure I can, I'm not sure if I want to, lol.