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Everything posted by Bam

  1. Bam


    3rds? I've got a truck and can pick up whenever.
  2. Bam


    Boats ready and waiting, only needed a tune-up and new prop. It's been waxed and hibernating for months now. Can't wait for summer and then Cumberland in august!
  3. My daughter is smaller than most, she was/is in the 5th percentile for kids her age but she is very smart and we had no reservations about starting her in Kindergarten a few months after she turned 5. She's been doing great and size is only what you/your kid make it IMO.
  4. I 2nd a focus, mine has over 110k on it now and has never skippped a beat while always getting 30mpg in mixed driving.
  5. Progressive FTW for the past 8ish years. Customer service has always been great and no one has been able to touch my rate. Plus they're local.
  6. Bam


    I leave all my fully loaded and have for years. Worst case is you buy a new spring once every decade or so...
  7. $594/year w/ $250 deduc's. I can't imagine paying $1500+/year, haven't done that since I was 18.
  8. My bill has been that high before and my house is comparable size. My bill was about 30% higher this month than last month as well.
  9. At first I was like :fuuuu: But now :fuckyeah:
  10. 1st saturday off in months, may have to drag my ass there.
  11. it says wheels and tires in the title....
  12. BBALL TIX SOLD! Thanks Josh/Will Bump for BlueJackets Tix
  13. wow. I just realized my kids teacher got a 6000 dollar raise last year, and its only her 2nd year on the job. wish I got a raise like that.
  14. $100 to go 4.8 miles? Yeah, no thanks!
  15. I bought one today. Ended up spending $700, I'm happy! Thanks for all the suggestions, I didn't realize there were so many places locally. I'll post pics after I pick it up Thursday.
  16. I'm about to drop a grand on a couch at VCF today/tomorrow and just wanted to make sure there wasn't a store I should check out prior. I'm looking for a sectional if it matters. Thanks
  17. Post Pics..... I'm going to Cumberland for 10days in August, so that may be the only out of state boating I get this summer, but who knows, may get a weekend free at some point.
  18. Bam

    Mortgage Rates

    A friend got 3.25% recently on 15 yr. I got 4% on my 30 yr.
  19. Another thing to consider as I haven't seen it mentioned before....what about if this happens all over again? What then? Like what if the 'perceived' value you place on a new house you could purchase is really false and drops another $30k the year after you buy it. Food for thought.
  20. lol. Nothing adult about that. I'm just saying do as you please but don't bitch about it being the banks fault or anything along those lines. Like the chief said, have some personal responsibility.
  21. Did they FORCE you to sign the papers? NO, flat out. PERIOD. Read what you sign, understand what you sign, and you wouldn't have shit to bitch about. You NEVER had to buy a house to begin with, you could have rented this entire time, and yet YOU chose to buy the house, to sign the mortgage, and to take the risk. I'm sorry, I can understand you wanting to walk away from your house because you owe more than you someone says it's worth. But obviously you FELT it was worth it when you purchased it, otherwise you would have been stupid to do so, correct? My house 'lost' $35k in value from Spring 09 to Fall 11, but I'm not bitching. It's only what some schmuck told me it was worth, not what I feel it's worth and I have no reason to sell or move so the 'value' is moot at this point. Again, do what you want, but at least be a man and own up to the fact that ONLY you put yourself in this position, no one forced it on you.
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