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Everything posted by Bam

  1. I'm not sure what I'd do. I'm not underwater but I have more in the house than it's worth. Does that mean I should default and move on? I also know I could probably get 'more' for my money elsewhere or in a new house, but again, does that mean I should give up on this house? How does that make sense? Again, I'd like all the things that come with a new to me house, like I'd be happy to have a larger layout, a larger garage, another bathroom, etc etc, but I bought a house in an area where I am happy with and knew going in I could 'live' with everything forever if need be.
  2. 830-5 saturday for me. But have sunday/monday off so it's all good.
  3. How much you get for the MS3 and how many miles on it if you don't mind me asking...could be in the market... And nice SHO, I miss the two I had, even though they were 95's, LOL
  4. I'd bring my boat and a friend or two....but I think it'd be nice w/ womenz as well....although I could care less for a long weekend.
  5. Balances/payments don't mean jack. It's all about the rate. If the rates are all identical then I would 'snowball' the payments. Meaning pay off the smallest cards first and use the payments you were paying on those towards the other cards once you have them paid off.
  6. GS....You'll never use the full potential of the Z06 and you said it yourself you'd like to be able to cruise w/ the top off....I feel the same way. I'm certain for 95% of people a GS would exceed their capabilities anyways.
  7. $79, it was an ad in the dispatch a couple weeks back. I remember seeing it while taking a leak....then a few days later one of the guys showed up with a new cruze and said the same thing. I thought it was a stupid deal too, if I hadn't read it myself in the paper I wouldn't have believed him.
  8. A guy at work got a new cruze for $798 down and $79/month a week or two ago. 36month/36k. He likes it.
  9. Chris Harpster, I used him, as has my Dad and another family friend. 614-989-6665.
  10. Been with progressive since 2002, no complaints. I've checked annually and never been able to touch my rate. Even tried the gavin guy Derek recommended, he admitted there was no way he could touch it either.
  11. Hmm, now to decide, ak or ar15 with bonus money...
  12. +1, i used it ONCE at my new house a few years ago and the front porch has been FUCKED ever since, and it was fine for decades before. DO NOT USE SALT ON CONCRETE.
  13. I have full coverage on everything because its only a couple hundred more per year than basic liability and I'd lose thousands if I didn't and had an accident. Even if its not your fault the other person has to have insurance for your car to be fixed, and working in insurance I see many people get hit, don't have collision, and them be up shit creek.
  14. +1, Wed/thurs/fri nites work best for me.
  15. Nice! I'd love to daily one of those.
  16. Can anyone answer if this is a decent pickup? I want an AR and that's cheap, my main purpose would be to take up space in my closet, with the occasional outing at friends property to shoot targets. Obviously I have no need for an AR but want one, plus when the zombie's come it may come in handy, right?
  17. is the dart board the kind with all the holes?
  18. Probably my same house, although an upgrade would be nice I don't think now is a good time to and I'd enjoy being able to save quite a bit each month. Just enjoy life more and take more vacations. A CTS-V would be a good daily me thinks, whatever the last year was before the new ones. A nice bike and jet ski as toys and I'm set. Do I win?
  19. Would Microcenter be the best place to purchase long ethernet cables? like 25ft+?
  20. Actually bought an HTC Flyer today, gonna try it out for a few days to see if I like it...
  21. Looking for a tablet used before I just buy one at best buy or something....
  22. Bam

    Iraq war, DONE

    While I agree with this....where the fuck are 40,000 troops going to find jobs when millions are already struggling? I understand many will stay in the army, but yeah...
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