I work for McMillen Paving. The Jones quote is on par for 57's. I would suggest looking into using asphalt millings. You can get them from Strawser paving.
Strawser Paving Company, Inc.
1595 Frank Rd. Columbus, OH 43223
Phone: 614-276-5273
Here is a link discussing gravel vs millings.
I think you'd be happier with the screened asphalt millings and it should be cheaper.
You should be able to find plenty of pics on the web.
You could also contact McMillen Paving at 614-275-0397 and get a quote for us to deliver, grade and compact the screen millings.
Any time we pave driveways that have 57's on them we have to remove them first. Then install some 304 stone to be able to pave over. The 57's just move around too much and never compact.