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Everything posted by smokin5s

  1. no idea what I would do.... being several blocks away, I would do nothing, but let's say I was at speedway, I am towards the back picking up a nice cold 6 pack... dude pulls a gun on the guy behind the counter.... do you pull gun and go towards the guy trying to rob the place or duck and cover? I think in that situation, I would definately draw my firearm, but I would not go trying to be a hero and shoot the agressor in the back of the head.... now if he shot the clerk and is coming around, my ass is going to pretend I'm playing splinter cell and pick that mother fucker off before he knew what hit him.
  2. is it all 3 cameras for 5 dollars? or 5 each?
  3. congrats man! it's hard to believe that the COFBA dyno day over at Matt's house was seriously 10 years ago!
  4. that's cheap? I was thinking that was about 14k too high
  5. I just used a standard blade when I cut my laminate and it didn't chip once.
  6. ya, I was planning on making a trip there tomorrow but figured I would see if we have anything here first.
  7. looking for something inexpensive that I can put my 15-22 and my 10-22 in to carry around.
  8. DOH! I got owned then.
  9. you'd think he'd at least get 4 of the same rims.
  10. does anyone know when this is scheduled to pass?
  11. 3????? Vances has always been 1 box
  12. waaaaaaaay back in the day when I owned my first camaro, (and was dumb enough to street race) I would "smoke" 5.0 mustangs.... now the only thing my car smokes is paint drying.... stupid thing has a blown motor and i have no urge to fix it at the present time. (nor do I care to make it fast anymore... it's just fun to go cruising with the roof out)
  13. last time I checked, imports can have tires loose air on them as well as have issues with alignments... (BTW, that car drove straight as an arrow until I let the NTB at Marion do an alignment on it and now we can't get it right. Derek, I had my wife drive it with my fat ass in the passanger seat and it still pulled to the left.
  14. so did everyone get the gas or did they give you something to knock you out during the surgery? I'm going to be scheduling mine to be removed in the next few weeks and I would prefer to not get gas if I can help it. so I was trying to find out what everyone had and how well it worked for them.
  15. it's my wife's car... 130lbs I think it has to be something to do with the tires... it used to pull to the right, change the tires around, now it pulls to the right... just a thought
  16. I know I'm not the weight I was before I got married, but I hope it's not enough to make the car pull to the left
  17. vibration is gone, but Derrik, you're not going to believe it, but now the damn thing is pulling to the left instead of the right!
  18. I only own 3.5 acres....and the people that back to my property have some animals back there different times of the year, so I wouldn't shoot of my back porch just because I know that there is a sliiiiiiiiiiiiiiight possiblitiy that if I miss the target I could hit whatever animal they happen to have back there (sheep or cow) now I could shoot off my front porch because except for the road, there's nothing for miles but corn fields
  19. Vances is selling the model with the flash suppressor and threaded barrel for 459 I just picked one up at the begining of the week... I wish I could say I didn't like it and would sell you mine, but I love it!
  20. my entire family is going to be doing the 5k (including my mother inlaw)
  21. I litterally just put on new heavy duty tie rod ends. any idea how to test the different suspension components to narrow down what it could be? Would this also explain why we've had it in twice in the past month to get aligned and they can't seem to get it right?
  22. So my wife's car has developed a new problem... it shakes (not a violent shake) but will shake for a little bit and then go away. I noticied it the other day cruising around 60mph, I slowed down at a light then sped back up and the shaking went away.... any idea what it could be?
  23. Where in Deleware? I normally just go to the N/A range at lunchtime (I work by easton) but would love to find a nice range closer to home.
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