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Everything posted by smokin5s

  1. I have a uddy that might be interested... I'll ask him.
  2. My only thought on this whole thing is that the cop might have been a dick, but here's the facts... you got pulled over for probable cause.... and he found out that you had the wrong tags on the car.... how is he to know that maybe the car isn't stolen but hadn't been reported yet.... I know that you are saying that you were respectful, but something in your posts made me question that... I know that I've been pulled over and I remained respectful with my words, but my tone and body language said something totally different... which of course fed into the cop being worse. You got pulled over.... got busted for doing something illegal... and you paid the price.... I don't see how you can fight this. Sorry about your luck, but fortunately, I could almost garantee that you won't make the mistake of putting the wrong plates on again.... a expensive lesson learned.
  3. deffinately count me in... I've been looking for somewhere cheap(er) to fill... are you going to do the feeze and fill method or how are you planning on doing it?
  4. Why not just polish it or get it powdercoated? I know that IPS does powdercoating and does a good job. I deffinately give them an A+ on service for this aspect.
  5. I thought you had 17's... I will ask my buddy with a 30th's anniversary camaro... he's been looking for some new rims to off-set his car a little.
  6. smokin5s

    Hump dog

    haha... good stuff!
  7. nice... I don't think your shifting was that bad to be honest...
  8. Do you have cats on your car? If not, I've seen cars with no cats do this.
  9. it deffinately turns into chocolate milk type substance or "Jizz" in a matter of minutes after being mixed.... If it looks ok, I would say you're fine, just keep an eye on it and hope that it was just something stupid and not a cracked water jacket or something.
  10. welcome! I understand your wanting to get your liscense... but don't be in such a hurry.... most 16 year olds I've met aren't mature enough to handle the responsibilities that cars are. I know I sure wasn't at 16.
  11. looks to me like your sig should say that you sold your car for an engagement ring tongue.gif seriously though.. congrats!
  12. smokin5s


    there's one in Gahanna off of 62 that just opened I believe.
  13. is this a burned CD? I have seen burned CD's do this.. just take the disk out then put it back in... you'll end up doing it a bunch of times though.
  14. Seth and I already worked out a deal on the washer, Treadmill and TV.... I'm waiting on him to PM me back with directions... (We discussed this last week)
  15. that is definately photochopped.
  16. haha... dang dude, ur on a roll today! Josh, as far as the picture of the pro-street Volvo... any car can be made fast with enough money dumped into it... I personally don't have a problem with Volvo's... it's the "my car is always better than everything else" attitude... My car is a Piece of Shit and I know it.. but it's my POS... I don't try to make people think it's a sports car... it's a 4 door grocery getter.
  17. haha... the blood dripping off if classic!
  18. no shit... plus you don't want to lick a woman's poon that has you pay for it.... she probably has something.
  19. honestly, the reason why I give you shit is because your car is always "the best out there" now it's good to have pride in what you drive, but you're all about how great it is... honestly, I don't give a rats ass how great you think you car is... you drive a volvo with 170 whp.... whoopity fucking dooo I make more power at idle than you do... but I don't go around bragging thinking that my car is a factory freak or something. on a side note, you wanted honesty, so I'm giving it to you. If you'd tone down on the "I'm great at everything" BS then people wouldn't rag on you so hard... case in point, you came on here originally with a Caviler that had a stroke that "rivaled a 383" and you would brag about it non-stop... you realized is wasn't doing what you thought it would... so you got a Volvo and do the same thing about it... now Volvo's are nice cars and I'll make my wife drive one, one day to haul the kids around, but geeze... it's not a sports car or a race car... stop trying to make it into one. you're probably right... allot of us are dickheads online and talk shit... but honestly, in this post, I'm just being honest.
  20. smokin5s

    270 sighting

    bwahaha... thanks dude... now I have to clean my beer off my monitor! tongue.gif
  21. I saw a video the other day of her taking a shower... it was DEEEELIGHTFUL!
  22. smokin5s


    I might... I haven't decided yet.
  23. You've seen my garage; there is definately no lift. We pulled Tim's motor from underneath too. smile.gif Nothing but your very average hand tool selection, basic air tools (not needed, but are nice), a couple jacks/stands, and your normal Advanced Auto purchased engine hoist. The BMF and Daron are both eye witnesses to the projects for both. Mine wouldn't have taken as long had I not pulled some extra stuff, as I was doing other things at the time.</font> I was also a witness when that it was pulled out that way.
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