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Posts posted by caseyctsv

  1. I am deffiantely not a Bush supporter, but hearing everyone say, "if Bush has his way" or any other anti-Bush stuff is annoying... it's over played... he was elected into office... either start a petition to get him impeached or can it... I don't think it's his fault that N. Korea is doing Nuclear testing.



    +1 - I am not thrilled with all we have done but we cannot continue to blame Bush for everything. How would things be different if Kerry were in office? His speeches would have been worded better - that's about it. It may have taken him a bit longer but, make no mistake, we would have attacked Iraq even with Kerry at the helm.

  2. If I was putting the money up that is required to go turbo I would go all the way and get a 408. Once you add up all that is required to forge your stock motor I think you'll find "I could a had a 408". The extra cubes will help the power down low so maybe you will not need the nitrous. When I checked into it a year ago there was not that much differnce between a forged 346 and a forged 408.


    Check this link out:




    For about $800 more you can go from a 347 cu in to a 408. The 347 is aluminum and the 408 is iron but a lot of guys prefer the iron for handling boost.

  3. I think it really is pretty simple...if OSU wins out Smith will win the Heisman. It will only get interesting if OSU loses. At least that is how I think it should play out. He has done everything he's needed to do so far to win the trophy.
  4. Yep...stock. I am going to start using pics of yours and saying they are mine! LOL.


    I find it funny that you have been throwing out challenges all over the board and no one has taken you up on it. I was waiting for someone to make that mistake!

  5. I need help finding instructions to replace the a/c blower / fan. My car had the typical water in the vents that Grand Prix are known for. I fixed the water but did not empty out the fan area. My fan motor is now toast. Is there a site to help guide me through replacing mine? Any suggestions on where to get parts?
  6. I haven't been bothered by the police for that....yet. I could understand him pulling you over if you were getting on it or something but just cruising by? Maybe he was bored?


    He was trying to catch you riding dirty.

  7. i got showed no love.. lol

    they should have had a trophy for biggest wheels.. but its discrimination



    I think it is where you parked it. I am not even sure they saw it there. Nice pics - wish I had some photo taking skills.

  8. Thanks - I drive it whenever it is nice out. There are not many nice cars in my area - mostly minivans and SUVs! My neighbors don't give me too much of a problem but they look at me like I am crazy when I am in the garage working on it.
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