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Everything posted by caseyctsv

  1. Good stuff - welcome to the site.
  2. It think he means OSU was losing the TB recruit before that game happened.
  3. I bought it as the Mazdaspeed 3 I owned before had the worst horn I have ever heard. To "save weight" it had a single tone horn. Unfortunately I only owned the MS3 like 13 months - I just cannot get into FWD turbo 4s
  4. Freaking autocorrect. "I will"
  5. ...or shoot me your address and Inwoll mail it to you
  6. Now you are just making stuff up. OSU was not dominant last year and was not scoring at will. They came into their own at the end of the year. This team bloomed too late.
  7. I am trying to remember ANY prediction jump n' jive got right
  8. I work at Easton and live in Powell. Happy to meet up and pass it on.
  9. Impossible. It is only 70 pounds lighter than a Mustang!
  10. Want your horn to sound like a Ferrari? This is the horn for you. I bought this for one of my many past cars and never installed it. Brand new in box. 25.00 http://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/12/05/8938c668124130138208f92b2824eda1.jpg
  11. Am I wrong in thinking the committee would love to find a way to put OSU in? Not just for the money but they are the defending champs and would surely "show up". There is no chance OSU would make them look bad.
  12. What about a Clemson and a Stanford loss? And a pounding of Iowa by MSU?
  13. Yeah, I am sure they are just sitting around. I am sure they are not taking the time to work on their offensive strategies for whoever they have coming up. OSU's problem is not a lack of talent - they arguably have more talent than anyone else. Their problem is play calling - that can be fixed with a few weeks down time. Bowl preparation is plenty of time to fix some of the things that were/are broken. On another note, I think everyone has discounted the crazy injuries we suffered at the beginning of the year that wiped out almost our entire WR corps. I am not buying the "2 or 3 losses" next year either given that WR corps will be back as will JT. We will find a TB though he clearly will not be at the level of Zeke, he will be good. We still have a lot of young talent on the D as well.
  14. Saying OSU has no chance is just ignorant, or wishful thinking. Likely? No, absolutely not. Possible? Yes and anyone who says no has not been paying attention. I do NOT think they will make it, nor do they deserve to, but if some things happen they will be as deserving as others.
  15. I actually think it helped with MSU smoking PSU (a loss would have been better of course. I think if MSU crushes Iowa that will help too.
  16. Good lord where was the flag. Corner was molesting him
  17. In all seriousness - this drive is huge.
  18. We have nothing to lose - stop being so damn conservative Tim! Play action fake to Zeke and throw to Miller - make it happen on first play!
  19. Can you radio down to the defensive coaches and let them know this is going to Butt or Chessun.
  20. Just got a notification that Tim Beck posted so while he is active here - nice play calling on that drive coach Beck.
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