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Everything posted by gillbot

  1. That makes more sense. Even without “fun” cars in the stable, I can’t resist playing when the opportunity presents itself.
  2. You haven't yet? Why haven't you?
  3. Very sorry to hear. Occupy yourself, but don't try to bury it. You don't want things to get balled up and bursting later. Vent all you need, we are here.
  4. http://www.toolreport.net/2019/11/27/could-we-see-tool-battery-powered-automotive-jump-starters/
  5. Taco would be my choice for truck/off-road/towing.
  6. Same thing when I was out west, they never used salt only sand.
  7. In my experience, the batteries shit themselves before I ever really need it so now I just use my tractor battery. Usually the built in charger isn’t very good so the batteries tend to fail rather quick. If you get one that has an external charger, swap it out for a good automatic tender and it’ll last longer. They usually only contain a simple sealed lead acid though some of the later ones are lithium. Either way, the chargers are usually cheap crap and kill them in short order. Edit: http://www.alpharubicon.com/elect/batboxhaystack.htm
  8. I think a small car is going to be easier to find, but when you toss in the manual requirement you pretty much rule out 95% of the cars today. People laugh that I never lock my Jeep until they see it’s a stick, then they understand.
  9. https://parkersburg.craigslist.org/bar/d/parkersburg-geo-tracker/7236846778.html
  10. FWIW, I’ve always been told if there are any other words included in an apology, it’s less meaningful. The more words, the less meaningful it is. Also, there should never be a “but” included in any apology. That’s the same as jk lol to me. My $0.02, not worth $0.01.
  11. I rarely chime in much on these but I had to here. There have been many comments made by you that I’ve been offended by yet I don’t go off on a rant about them. That’s why I quoted randy and agreed with his “joke”. You have offended people also, yet you don’t feel the need to apologize? Whether that was the intent or not, the result was someone did take offense to the statement. Doesn’t mean it is wrong or right, but you can’t diminish their feelings based on your perceived intent. You can stab someone not intending to kill them, but if you do kill them, they are still dead. Oops my bad doesn’t make it right.
  12. I liked my spark as a daily. I got paid to drive it where I’m at now because it was so cheap and so fuel efficient that the mileage paid was more than I used. If it weren’t so bad in snow I’d have kept it honestly.
  13. I usually get Kia Soul as a rental and I like em. Good mileage and comfy. Reasonably roomy for what they are too.
  14. https://www.harborfreight.com/1720-lb-capacity-48-in-x-96-in-super-duty-folding-trailer-62647.html?_br_psugg_q=trailer
  15. If the suv can tow, get a trailer and your bed issues are gone. This ^
  16. Truck. Any of the small/medium SUV’s typically don’t tow for shit unless they are on a truck frame then they are tater priced because soccer moms pay tater prices. I’d look truck, whatever flavor configuration trips your trigger and Rock-it.
  17. As soon as someone tells me something has been sitting, I assume it’s a rusted pile underneath and where you can’t easily see.
  18. I’m just sayin, if it’s a true gta the parts are worth more than the overall if it’s worth your time. Some of the people that still have them pay top dollar for certain parts.
  19. Looks haggard but may be worth parting out.
  20. Wrap whatever in foil, toss it under the hood and eat after your drive!!
  21. and? Sleep in the car, problem solved.
  22. This is the 3rd overall. When we moved here we had over 30 trees removed all around the property. Some of the trees were so overgrown, they were actually touching the house. This was allowing wildlife easy access to the attic and whatnot. When we had all those removed, the trees behind them on an adjacent property are now exposed to the wind. Since they were sheltered before, they are all quite anemic and can't take the wind so they break easily. The property owner is aware and he was supposed to remove the ones that can reach our house. He started two summers ago but quit until the next broke. He then started again but quit until this one. We'll see if he takes action again or doesn't bother. I'm not too worried, that side is the garage side of the house so if one hits, it'll destroy my new side by side and viper.
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