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Everything posted by Rob1647545496

  1. because then you have to drive it all the time rain shine and snow. trust me it's cheaper to go buy a beater just to put it on your insurance as your primary. be warned some insurance companies require your most expensive car to be considered your primary. luckily mine does not i have nationwide.
  2. I bought the car 3 years ago in April of 2005, the car is a 2005 Corvette C6 Z51 with every possible factory option. it had to be millinium yellow it had to be Z51 and it had to be a 6-speed the only one i found this side of the mississippi just happened to be in dayton so i went to look at it. it was a GM rep car with 8,000 miles and the price was $48,000. before i even started looking i did lots of research and lots of math on interest rates and all that non sence. the place first wanted to give me 10% intrest which made my payments $1000 a month so laughed at them and told them they were full of shit. 4 different times they came back saying this is as low as we can go blah blah we called every bank we deal with if it's not good enough we can't help you, they finally got it down to 6.7% so i told them i could do better on my own they said it wasn't possible so i showed them some paperwork prooving i qualified for for 4.7% from dayton credit union. the guy comes back and says we can do for 4.9%. so doing the math it wasn't that much difference so i said ok. i put $11,000 down that i got from selling 2 other cars and my Raptor. and my payment ended up being $670 a month. i got the extended warranty which brought it up to $704.33 a month. for 6 years i pay 160 a month right now for a 2002 cavalier, a 2001 GTP and the vette the vette and the GTP are 120 the vette and the cavy are 140 i have never had just the vette on my plan but also don't believe the internet insurance quotes they all said it would be around $300 a month for me.
  3. CANON powershot sd1000 7.1 megapixels i have always had sony cameras until i started using my girlfriends canon and i was so impressed i pretty much stole it and she had to buy me one for my birthday. and my sister liked it so much she bought the same one as well. it has very good and easy to use ISO controls which is important cuz no good pictures use a flash. it's small and turns on fast, also i have dropped it many times and and it atill works perfectly fine. also my sig pic was taken with that camera
  4. for the same reason everyone doesn't just buy a regular C6 and put a turbo or blower on it. because no matter what you do to a C6 it will never be a Z06. no matter what you do to a Z06 it will never be a ZR1. NOW LETS GIVE IT TO THE STIG!!!
  5. the bank is not going to want to give you a $20,000 loan for a car older then 5 years i know i tried i originally wanted a supra. i bought a vette and couldn't be happier with it.
  6. it has the same HP to weight ratio as an 02 z06 if you took 80HP away from the z06. and thats pretty close to the same HP to weight as a stock F-body.
  7. has anyone ever watched a show that Foust hosted ? he is so annoying i feel like i'm watching a damn infomercial and he is trying to sell it to me. i want real critics who are going to point out everything thats wrong with it
  8. i think they should change the name because they are going to ruin it. and it was Top Gear that made me think of this i was watching the episode where hammond wants to buy an old Charger (of course this was before the new charger was released) and they talk about how the charger is special because after it's time was up nothing else had that name it didn't get turned into an econobox like the Nova and so many others. when you talked about the charger everyone knew what you were talking about and now that the new charger is out which is absolute rubbish you have to make a point to say old charger.
  9. http://www.autoblog.com/2008/06/16/top-gear-usa-hosts-announced/ they have some big shoes to fill, i think this has the potential for an epic fail.
  10. no matter what the outcome, the race is pointless. giving handicaps will just lead to shit talking. if cavin wins - "if i would have sprayed i'd of had you nu uh yea hu" if mike wins - "you only won cuz i gave you 3 cars."
  11. i agree. but If it was from a Dig my money would be on Mike.
  12. is there a way to transfer recordings to a hard drive after they have been stored to your DVR? i know i can hook a hard drive up to my DVR but it has to be a certain kind (ESATA) or something that i don't have. i believe it re formats everytime it is reconnected to the DVR. i can't remember if it's the DVR drive or the external that gets re-formatted when switching.
  13. yep you can watch the euro sport link and mute it and listen to radio le mans cuz it's in english. it is also streamed on speedtv.com but it sucks.
  14. that reminds me for those recording it make sure you don't just click the first thing you see and assume your getting all of the race last year they had it broken up and the last 2 hours was seperate. my cousin found that out the hard way luckily my DVR is set up to record anything and everything with the words le mans.
  15. oh and radio le mans http://rlm08.0157.org/
  16. mms://livestream.eurosport.com/nogeo/75213.wsx http://www.badboyvettes.com/pitcam http://www.lemans.org/24heuresdumans/pages/chronos_gb.html
  17. i found this on the BMV website. Alabama Apparently ‘Bama is an acronym for Blunt All Motorist Adventures, for officials there have inexplicably made it illegal to drive while blindfolded. Alaska Contrary to public opinion roof racks are not specifically designed for skis, snowboards and cocker spaniels. Or at least not in Alaska, where authorities have found it necessary to declare it illegal to tether a dog to the roof of a car. Arkansas Think twice while in Arkansas if you harbor an unflagging passion for cold cut sandwiches and honking your car horn. Arkansas authorities have deemed it illegal to blare a car horn where ice cold beverages or sandwiches are served after 9 p.m. California No matter how luxuriously comfortable that divided highway may look, it is illegal in Eureka, California, to use a road as a bed. In order to save money on having to crop dust their streets, officials in Chico, California, have made it illegal to plant rutabagas in roadways. Officials in Glendale, California, no doubt, caved in to insurance lobbyists when they inexplicably decided to make it illegal to jump from a car at 65 mph. Don’t expect to find any salt-rimmed curbs in Hermosa Beach, California. Officials there have made it illegal to spill your Margarita on any street. Connecticut No need to get your Lexus Sport Luxury Sedan painted blaze orange. Hunting from cars in Connecticut is illegal, even during deer season. Georgia Going on an intuitive hunch that teeter-totters and cars don’t mix, officials in Dublin, Georgia, have made it illegal to drive through playgrounds. Illinois Beware if you own a bicycle in Galesburg, Illinois. The police there have no tolerance for “fancy riding.” Iowa Throw it and they (police) will come. In Mount Vernon, Iowa, it is illegal to throw your Red Ryder onto the highway. Kansas In Derby, Kansas, it is considered a misdemeanor to screech your tires while driving. This abominable act can cost you 30 days in jail. In Topeka, Kansas, it is unlawful to transport dead poultry along Kansas Avenue. Lesson: look elsewhere for a KFC. Kentucky Make sure your canine does not harbor a weird fetish for tailgate lights or trailer hitches while in Fort Thomas, Kentucky. You’ll be fined if your pet molests a vehicle. Maine Be careful about Jonesing for a Bavarian Cream while in South Berwick, Maine. You’ll be ticketed if you park in front of Dunkin Donuts. Maryland Keep in mind while traveling through Rockville, Maryland, that the streets there are rated G. If you possess a PG-17 vocabulary, take the bypass. Swearing from a vehicle in Rockville is considered a misdemeanor. Minnesota In Minnetonka, Minnesota if you drive a truck that leaves mud, dirt or sticky substances on any road you will be considered a public nuisance that is harming the peace, safety and general welfare of the town. Missouri If you are a horn-honking hooligan you better be carrying your vehicle’s bill of sale if you have the nerve to toot your horn while in University City, Missouri. Officials there have wisely made it illegal to honk the horn of someone else’s car. Nevada To prevent any literal interpretation of Reno’s No Standing signs, authorities there have made it illegal to place a bench or chair in the middle of the road. New Jersey Don’t be feeling all fuzzy-warm about New Jersey residents if you’re driving through the state with a “Honk if You Love Skippy the Kangaroo” bumper sticker soldered to your vehicle’s trunk. New Jersey residents are required by law to honk before passing. Arbor Day requires careful planning in Blairstown, New Jersey, for local officials there have made it illegal to plant trees in the middle of the street. New York Be sure to enter your vehicle feeling sartorially content while in Sag Harbor, New York. Officials there have made it illegal to disrobe while in your car. North Carolina Officials in Dunn, North Carolina, apparently harbor no faith in the intuitive powers of common sense: First, they have made it illegal to play in traffic. So if you’re a parent make sure your kids play Candyland on the floor of a living room rather than on the asphalt of a passing lane. Second, it is illegal to drive through a cemetery if you’re not there to dig a grave or bury someone. So if you intend to visit the grave of a loved one bring really powerful binoculars. And third, even if you are considerate enough to yell “On your left,” officials still deem it illegal to drive on sidewalks. Ohio In Canton, Ohio, people wearing roller skates cannot share the streets with cars. And yes, this applies even during the “couples only” skate. Oregon In Oregon you need to be not only alert for state troopers with speed guns, but also with stop watches. For you can be ticketed if you leave your car door open longer than is deemed necessary. You will be slapped with a Class A traffic violation if you use your car on an Oregon highway to prove your physical endurance. If you opt for driving on a sidewalk while in Oregon, be sure to not attract the wrath of the law by not yielding to pedestrians. Rhode Island In Scituate, Rhode Island, it is illegal to drive with beer in your vehicle even if it is unopened. So, in other words, if you’re a beer delivery driver you’re screwed. South Carolina There’s a good reason why automakers don’t manufacture models named the Dodge Dumpster or the Lexus Litterbin. For in Hilton Head, South Carolina, it is illegal to store trash in your vehicle due to rat problems. West Virginia Virginia may be for lovers, but West Virginia is for meat lovers. Officials in the Mountain State have deemed it perfectly legal for anyone to scavenge road kill.
  18. Movie Maker is what i use to edit all of my videos. and it's already built into Windows XP so, it's FREE.
  19. Awesome, so when are you coming home man?
  20. for those who havn't seen it http://youtube.com/watch?v=dpY86MLRi8s
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