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Everything posted by justinwebb

  1. Yea there are a few apps out there, thinking about going back to xp as it boots a little faster
  2. I live right next to all this getting ready to go on, not going to be fun at all
  3. Lol it is a pile but I meant good for carpc's, I got started in 2003 using a 800mhz via cpu with 1gb ram so you can get by with an atom lol. I got my e-450 for free or else i would have used a core i3 would have had more kick and processing power without much extra heat.
  4. Building the PC is the easy part, the rest is quite tedious. I spent a good week just on the screen part trying to get it just right and the lines correct. The atom is a good board but for things like data logging and loading lots of music or stuff in a folder it might bog down. My e-450 had an issue processing my 7000 songs in one folder lol it was trying to get all the cover art and such. If you need a case i have a spare one just laying around I think.
  5. doesnt quite have your 32 gigs of ram, but i maxed it out lol
  6. Windows 7 that I stripped down to basically run almost no unneeded services and processes.
  7. Havent updated the carpc in a while so I had some spare time and rebuilt it. Some of you may remember my custom screen install it hasn't changed at all as it works great just rebuilt the PC part and relocated it under the front seat to cut down on wiring the entire length of the car. The new specs are a bit better but since it was mostly free cant complain. AMD E-450 APU mini itx Asus board 8GB DDR 3 1TB 2.5" media drive 32GB SSD boot drive 160 W Automotive PSU Installed some new components as well such as a faster connecting GPS adapter, a bluetooth OBDII connector and a few other odds and ends. Haven't got the new camera in the grill yet still working on some things. It boots up in under 7 seconds and actually loads up all the programs quite snappy as opposed to my older system that was just a platter drive. Here are some pics of the dash for those who haven't seen it http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/Carputer/DSC_0496.jpg http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/Carputer/DSC_0497.jpg Here is the PC install itself in a super small case. So far no heat issues as I added a few fans, it was odd the E-450 was fanless as it ran hot all the time. I figure if it burns out I will go to a i3. I custom made most of the cables including the ATX to be the exact length needed so there is no excess wiring for max airflow. http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/IMG_0253_zpsdaf0eba2.jpg http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/IMG_0250_zps587a2a53.jpg http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/IMG_0252_zps559e790e.jpg http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/IMG_0282_zpsfffa650a.jpg http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/IMG_0285_zps11f1611f.jpg http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/IMG_0284_zpsdd1ffdf2.jpg Here are some pics of the centrafuse front end, I tether with my phone for data, have tons of music videos, MP3's and whatnot. Garmin GPS and dashcommand for OBD gauges and diagnostics. http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/IMG_0286_zps03f79e5b.jpg http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/IMG_0287_zps04865293.jpg http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/IMG_0288_zps5a840b13.jpg
  8. Not a problem at all, I used to have a cheap one and got this due to the fact that the amount of live data it can handle is crazy. You can monitor a ton of different PID's all at the same time with no lag. It states 4x faster than the closest competitor and I believe it.
  9. I have a scantool that is bluetooth that is new in box, I bought one off ebay and the gf bought me one as well so I am just going to quietly sell mine lol. Its brand new never even taken out of the box. You can use it on a PC or android phone to read codes and to data log. Mine is hooked up to my car pc if you want to see it in action. Here is the site for it with all the specs. http://www.scantool.net/obdlink-mx.html Asking 130
  10. my carpc has 16gigs lol, 32 is crazy ive never used anything close to 16 with photoshop and illustrator work going
  11. Lego! Nice pc though, great specs!
  12. I have a spare key for C&C uprising that I already own and dont need. First one to PM me gets it. Its available for steam or origin so specify which you want.
  13. The possibility of this has been around for a while, if you think that they cant do that with your current phone you are naive.
  14. You should buy another and SLI it
  15. if interested just shoot me an offer, gonna throw it on ebay
  16. It is quite the cat and mouse game, hopefully the new team will release theirs but they way they type reminds me of a 7 year old on COD
  17. Sadly that doesnt exist either, there is rumor that there might be a jailbreak for that version but I wouldnt get your hopes up.
  18. You dont, there is not a jailbreak out for that version.
  19. I have my older 9800gt by EVGA, its a great card just upgraded and works great. Never overlocked, still have the box as well. Will run a lot of games but just not on high settings. $40.
  20. Speaking of garage make sure they didnt take any spare keys or garage door openers so they cant come back and do the house next.
  21. I would be interested in one as well, seems cool.
  22. I found one online but sadly there are no seeds, I think it's like 30 from the manufacturer. You could always just reformat and throw a clean version of win 7 on it
  23. An amazing piece of machinery that will sadly just sit in museums now. They still had some life left and should have been still going up. I plan on visiting each one as I am quite the space nerd.
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