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Everything posted by justinwebb

  1. Costs $199 and comes with 2 cars and I think each other car is 60 or 70 Would be cool with expandable track or a larger track than just the oval design. I bet once it gets going the addons and such will be pretty sweet.
  2. Its simply mind boggling and impossible to think about all the galaxies out there. Great video, it really puts things into perspective that we are just a blip.
  3. justinwebb

    Walking Dead

    Good to see the green Hyundai is still being washed.
  4. Meh it worked, thats all that I cared about, like i said it was a loooong time ago before everything was online so her knowing would have been tough. The insurance company said she didnt even have a license at the time so I didnt feel bad one bit.
  5. I had one incident in the past an asian lady side swiped my entire car then took off. I got her plate and called the police, they were of course less than helpful. I called my insurance and asked what they would do and she didnt admit fault at first. I then decided to take matters in my own hands, first called her after finding her info and recorded the call stating she hit me and asked if she would be willing to admit fault she said on the phone she wouldnt and to not call her again. I didnt call her but made up my own business cards and letterhead with a "lawfirm" and sent it to her home and place of employment stating they were working on the case for litigation. Magically she called her insurance and admitted fault. I wouldnt suggest doing what I did as this was a while ago when finding stuff online was not as easy but hey it worked
  6. I read they got an xmen game in, I really need to go check this out.
  7. Yea I saw that but before that there was a bike beside the driver window yelling at him it looked like. I'm guessing they were being all dumb and weaving in and out and he probably honked or yelled at them. So being the idiots they are decided since they outnumber them they can just do what they want. They got what they deserved. I would have aimed for more. Found this on reddit about it
  8. Cant really see anything that happened but I'm guessing the group of bikers got mad at something that the range rover did and attempted to block him in? If a group of 50 are blocking me in I will floor it and aim for as many as I can then call the cops and state I feared that they were going to pull me out of my car. Why didnt they lock the doors and just keep driving lol, I would be doubling back and forth on open roads, not going in the city Mob mentality is a dumb thing.
  9. Thanks for all the help, I think he is looking to buy this weekend so I will pass the info along.
  10. Just as the title states looking for any salespeoples at any local Mazda dealerships, have a friend interested in purchasing a new car and want him to not get screwed.
  11. Anyone try to find the UFO's yet? POSSIBLE SPOILERS http://www.computerandvideogames.com/430910/blog/gta-5-help-us-solve-the-games-big-hidden-conspiracy-potential-spoilers/
  12. Aaron paul from breaking bad and some cars. Why is this a movie?
  13. Most of the kids are probably pretty well off and don't really care. I would make it my life's work to not only ruin each kids life but the parents as well for not teaching them proper way of acting and creating such miserable spawn. We need to bring back corporal punishment and just whip them a few times. Bet they wouldn't act like that again.
  14. Dear rockstar I wish to give you monies in exchange for a PC version. Sincerely, Me.
  15. So I have decided for a winter project to build a small MAME arcade and dont have the woodworking tools to cut the MDF. Its a small tabletop arcade not a stand up so it wont be huge at all. Need the sides with curves cut and some panels along with the edges routed. I dont feel like going out and buying a jigsaw, circular saw and router just for this so if you want to make some cash let me know.
  16. So apparently both men stopped in a gas station parking lot to argue, both pulled their concceal carry firearms and shot each other..... http://www.mlive.com/news/grand-rapids/index.ssf/2013/09/road_rage-related_shootout_lea.html So would the guy that drew second be the victim and the first one be the criminal? All this over U MAD BRO driving. Facepalm.
  17. apparently there is something on the back of the map that is readable by blacklight? http://imgur.com/a/XgWnu
  18. Well professionals sure, that is a must.
  19. justinwebb

    Rc heli

    Hurricane is where i got mine, didnt really feel welcome though went on my lunch break from chase so had on nice business attire and the guy followed me around like I was going to steal something. I was annoyed. Just dont chop your head off like the one guy did recently, although I doubt you will go that big right off the bat lol.
  20. I live in the apartments behind Marcus, what are you openening?
  21. How americans skii jump according to a japanese game
  22. forgot i still have this, going on ebay this weekend
  23. I have the 4s and I am trying to decide if i want to upgrade like i always do but I am also at the same time tired of being at the bottom swing of the updates.
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