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Everything posted by justinwebb

  1. Plus Comcast loves their data caps, as someone who uses 2 TB a month this sucks.
  2. cool bead sprites I have done quite a few as well http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8224/8302030425_668a44bb95_z.jpg http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8250/8488462356_e94267645c_z.jpg http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8098/8586916033_bd9107c8c6_z.jpg I will send your link to the fiance to see if she likes anything!
  3. Back end fraud analyst for JPMorgan Chase. I also am building our automated system that texts you if there is possible fraud. I look for break ins on peoples account and stop any money from going out. It's interesting to see how hackers get into accounts and sometimes get away with a good chunk of change.
  4. I'm going in a few hours late with some sob story on how I got stuck 4 times and had to dig the car out and push out an old lady and rescued an eagle from a bear but showed up since it's good for the company. Then take a 2 hr lunch at the Kilt and drink it up and come back to work then go home a bit later. Gotta stick it to the man when you can.
  5. Was kind of hoping chase would close today but then I forgot who I was working for lol.
  6. spot on sir, warning just issued
  7. Deweys pizza is great, its in worthington and on campus
  8. Nope no air bags just bumper cover and front quarters and small damage to rear cover i found as well. I just wasnt sure if I could tell the insurance person that LOL JK we dont need you any more she called you without consulting with me haha
  9. So the GF swerved to miss an overturned truck on 670 today and put the car into a guard rail, which IMO is the best outcome really. Now the car is not in awful shape but the front bumper cover is gone, headlights all broke and the quarters are bent but no fluids leaking. SHe called the insurance company but with the mileage it has (207,XXX) my guess is they will total it. This is not something she wants as the car runs fine and her deceased father gave it to her so she wants to keep it. So once the insurance comes and they make the determination to total it, is it too late for me to say i will fix it privatly? It really isnt a ton of work for me to do but a shop would be expensive and i can source most of it out pretty cheap. TL;DR can i tell a insurance company to piss off after they look at the car and not go through with the claim
  10. Best job in the world. Would love to be this guy. He was saying how he hand raised some of the lionesses, so I am guessing they are used to him. Try that with a wild one I am guessing he would be lunch. The sheer power and the beauty of them are astounding, sad to even think of the possibility of them being extinct makes me mad.
  11. Eh thats not that bad, when I was in Manila the driving is far worse. Nobody has a lane its just a giant clusterfuck lol. Saw quite a few accidents where people would just race through an intersection that is already crowded.
  12. I use photoshop with mine but its an i5, throw in a MSATA and its super fast.
  13. I have a V570 which has the same chipset as the B570 i think and mine states 8 but was able to do 16gb just fine
  14. I use premier, AVID, and vegas for video editing and photoshop for pics. They can be found online for freeninetynine if you look.
  15. So I have made the big purchase and decided to ask my girfriend of 6 years to marry me this New Year's Eve. She has no idea as far as I know as money has been tight, we are going on a New Year's Eve train ride in nelsonville so it will be low key. Didn't feel like doing the bar scene lol. I printed out business cards for them to pass out ahead of time to everyone saying that I would be proposing and to email me any pics or video figured I would crowd source the train lol. Obligatory ring pic, she didn't want anything fancy but I wanted something she could show off. Wish me luck and hopefully I can come back and report a "yes" http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/F1E2A302-96AF-46F2-9A24-143A55886FF8_zpsxyt5tdgl.jpg[/url]
  16. Looking for a PSU, just has to be in good condition and at least 500W, just using it for the arcade. Let me know if anyone has a spare!
  17. I tip the drivers here in Polaris pretty well, normally 5 or 6 bucks on a one pizza order. An extra 2 or 3 bucks never kills me and I hate traffic, people and waiting so 5 bucks is justified for me. I know they hate their jobs so anything I can do to make someones day a little better is worth it.
  18. I have an extra router if you need one. Netgear N300
  19. ATT LOVES to catch you tethering with a grandfathered plan just so you can lose it with no way to get it back. I tethered for a while with small amounts and they sent me a msg stating that I would lose my grandfathered unlimited and get a new plan if it continued. Talked to a lady and she said its a big thing with them and they tend to go after anyone who does it. So consider yourself warned lol.
  20. Mine has an option to download oldest version available but not sure if that is just for iOS6. You could download the older ipa online for free apps and sync them and you might even be able to jailbreak it to install other apps.
  21. Gas leak http://www.nbc4i.com/story/24234994/westerville-odor-blamed-on-gas-leak
  22. I have a spare sega saturn I got with a big console lot recently and need to get rid of. It is tested and works great, comes with console, power and video cord and one controller. 35 bucks OBO http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/IMG_0111_zpsffb01e8a.jpg
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