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Everything posted by justinwebb

  1. truly amazing if there is nothing else out there it sure is a waste of space
  2. i was excited when little ceasars opened up down the street from me haha, hadn't had it in years since i was a little kid
  3. i feel i need one, its a crazy led clock and quite inventive if you ask me
  4. i have been tweaking 7 for a bit got the usage for it just above 600 mb of ram. Still have some to do could get it lower with xp it would run roughly 150 mb of ram with everything loaded
  5. thanks for the 2 drives man!! i appreciate it
  6. i run a stripped version of xp 64 bit on my car pc and works great, boot times are well under 20 seconds and all drivers work great. i have my home pc with windows 7 and os x and i love i for home use just way to much stuff for a carpc lol
  7. Yea it's like a nightly occurance and right now as I type he is yelling. I don't like calling the cops cause I feel it's annoying for the cops to come out when they can be out tending to other more important matters. I am going to tell the manager tomorrow to either say something to him and fix it or else I will and they won't like what I have planned , and no lol I'm not going to kill him way to much effort
  8. so I was sleeping since i have to work and its late but dumbass below me decides to bring a ton of his friends over which happens frequently and they all yell and scream and shit. Gets really annoying. I have cut their cable and spliced it so at will i can just turn off their TV, also found my way into the basement and can cut their power at will. I have thought about JB welding the lock shut when he is gone. I have tried to talk to the complex manager but nothing ever gets done. Not the confrontational type as if i try to talk to him if something happens i cant do anything. Also thought about printing up a ton of flyers stating he is a sexual predator and put them all over the complex. I am just tired of all the shit
  9. Michael j fox could not use this at all
  10. project natal milo demo, this would be all kinds of fun all fucked up haha
  11. wow amazing amounts of work went into that, i have put hours like that into peoples carpc setups
  12. http://photos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs008.snc1/2855_100558064767_689439767_2607501_1693310_n.jpg
  13. My girlfriend works for their call center I can ask her when I get home
  14. just went tonight it was a lot of fun got there right as it got dark and wasnt too crowded at the time. The weather was great no wind and was only 40. snapped some pics lol i was bored http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/Courtney%20And%20I/DSC_0468.jpg http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/Courtney%20And%20I/DSC_0481.jpg
  15. got a buy one get one free coupon figured i would post it up here for those who wanna go. Just trying to help out those with kids or what not spend the least amount possible. http://www.shweet.org/CR/zoo.jpg
  16. yea i dont need the floppy drive i need the hard drive lol two completely different things
  17. there is a floppy drive that is 5.25 and a hard drive that is just like a normal hard drive just a lot bigger. The floppy drive has a removable disk and the hard drive doesnt this is the floppy drive http://cgi.ebay.com/TEAC-FD-55FR-511-U-5-25-Internal-Floppy-Disk-Drive_W0QQitemZ310183436472QQcmdZViewItemQQptZPCC_Drives_Storage_Internal?hash=item48385fa0b8
  18. so they put the oldschool Reebok pumps in a bra....why didnt i think of that haha
  19. its not the floppy its an actual hard drive in the 5.25" flavor.....uber slow and uber huge http://shop.ebay.com/?_from=R40&_trksid=p3907.m38.l1312&_nkw=quantum+bigfoot&_sacat=See-All-Categories its an odd request but i might just have to go to ebay lol
  20. nope need a hard drive that size lol, they are old school like the bigfoot drives or the like
  21. yes you read correctly seeing if anyone has a 5.25" hard drive laying around. It doesnt need to be working just need the hard drive for a project of mine. figured i would check here before hitting up fleabay
  22. or here is mine much less clicking.... http://www.shweet.org/CR/US-Canada-v1.2-ven000m.rar
  23. i have gotten a lady calling to check on her joint account and she asked where a pending charge was from I told her it was a motel in another state. She then stated her husband was away on business and not in that state. Pulled the info and it came from his card 3 states away. she flipped out and said how she was going to kill him and throw his stuff outside. I agreed with her that she should throw his stuff out. Made my day i have tons of these types of conversations it keeps things interesting. had a guy say he was going to kill himself the other day because of fees had to call the cops in his town and notify them
  24. jailbreak then just start downloading haha any questions just hit me up
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