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Everything posted by Spidey2721

  1. what is everyones big deal if someone wants to fight a ticket? they have every right to. what the hell do you care? tie up resources?? really? thats a joke.
  2. my question is what about nhra rules?? the hellcat ran 10.80-10.90 with 703 i think horse. the new mustang is lighter and looking to make more horses. when you get into the tens on a nhra track you have to meet certain rules. like a cage aftermarket balancer, axles, a trans shield, protective gear etc etc. so are these new cars going to have to have a cage installed in order to run at the track from the factory?
  3. lawls OMG i didnt use some news source you prefer. how about you actually do 5 seconds of homework before calling out shit. one news source is no diff then the other. they are all bought and paid for one way or the other.
  4. ...of a 19 year old girl. http://www.examiner.com/article/va-dem-offers-reward-for-nude-photos-of-hunter-cheerleader-kendall-jones yeaa thats a bit off in my book.
  5. my sister has same car. white though. i love driving it. great sound for a lil 4 banger. love the stick in it. feels like its ready to go anytime. lots of leg.
  6. good lord. i cant imagine a blind deaf dumb monkey could do worse. (and no thats not a racist remark for you with thin skin.)
  7. i love all the "omg the sky is falling" comments i have seen on this story. its kinda cute.
  8. to bad facebook showed their true colors yet again and took the page down.
  9. its one of those annoying things where they want you to go to a dealer to look at them. they have a attachment for about anything though.
  10. http://www.steinerturf.com/ They do it all. Add all sorts of attachments. Front deck mower so you can get in and around thing like low trees. Decent turn radius. Much better than a lot of other "tractors". Has the power to do more than a lot of other tractors. Used them at a school back when I was a youngen.
  11. if it hit the water there will be a lot of float debris. "Investigators have concluded that one or more people with significant flying experience hijacked the missing Malaysia Airlines jet" http://news.msn.com/world/malaysia-investigators-conclude-flight-hijacked as far as no pings from passengers devices. if they turn off the on-board connections i dont think they would get service without it.
  12. i still think its on the ground somewhere, and i dont mean crashed.
  13. Don't worry, it will be a crash fest... If anything like ea/dices last fiasco.
  14. If a place sells alcohol they have to display that sign by law. along with the under 21 sign. Then you get some places that think they can use that for no ccw. Which they cant. EDIT: adding the RC that liquor establishments have to follow...
  15. No, he isn't some pop culture icon. Although if you watched Band of Brothers you will for sure know him. William "Wild Bill" Guarnere died today. Anytime I hear about losing another of our WWII vets it always makes me stop and think. It will be a sad time when all our WWII vets are no longer with us. Thank you to all our vets.
  16. give it time. they have already tried more then a few times.
  17. umm it already has and is happening here.
  18. http://gigaom.com/2014/02/13/everything-you-need-to-know-about-the-proposed-45b-comcast-time-warner-cable-merger/ "Comcast and TWC aren’t competitors. It’s not good to consolidate ownership, but it doesn’t reduce choice. They were already cartel partners."
  19. epi 2 is actually pretty good. i enjoyed it and the star in the car is fun.
  20. top gear been rather disappointing last few seasons. its not the car show it used to be. heck not even as funny. the writers/producers seems to be trying to hard.
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