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Everything posted by Spidey2721

  1. Salt water. Saved my life when I was having tooth problems. I feel for her tooth pain is the worst thing in the world.
  2. To get in yes. They dont retest and such like the military.
  3. 15-yard personal foul for horse-collar tackle.
  4. +1 no shit. you cant just come into a program completely change it and expect instant results. it takes time.
  5. happy 21'st. screw the downers have fun with it!
  6. make sure you watch the normal speed version of that.
  7. Now you all see what I have to deal with up here.
  8. NVIDA lawsuit concering faulty/over heating GPU's and the bios update to "band-aid" the problem. http://blogs.zdnet.com/hardware/?p=2580&tag=nl.e550 NVIDA was looking to be on top of the world. Looks like I have to find a new chipset to look to.
  9. Good to see another MOPAR fan here. Welcome and nice cars!
  10. yea but i figured it wold have the toolbar style button on it that auto updates showing if you have new mail.
  11. ok i am using it right now. wanted to give it a try. you know what it doesn't have that baffles me? A freaking g-mail button!!! Why doesn't it have a gmail button on it like googles toolbar does?? :wtf: added note: you cant add googles toolbar to it either to get the button.
  12. umm what was the name of that... hold on let me look it up. here it is. http://www.wyndham.com/hotels/ATLWY/main.wnt if you look thru the pictures there you can see the "be well pillow". actually the room was pretty sweet . that chair in the pictures rocked. i want one. also had a high def LG lcd screen.
  13. Was in Atlanta Ga. this past weekend visiting my cousin in the hospital. When My sister and I got into the hotel, this was waiting on us. I got a good laugh out of it. Straight out of Demolition Man. http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb204/helix27/0815082046.jpg
  14. I saw that on the way home tonight. Would have stopped and said hi but it was late and ange was tired.
  15. Spidey2721


    yeahhhh... you done fucked up.
  16. was there tonight had a good time even if it is a quarter of what it used to be. didnt make it over to heath. heard it was great though. if you made it chime in. Especially if you walked across the street to grab some food after talking to your mom and a group of three guys that happened to be sitting there too... about ten second neons. lose anyone??? ok good.
  17. as often as i can any and all species.
  18. there may even be a little auto calibrate button about the size of a pin head on the front of the tv somewhere.
  19. you cant, you have to buy a new set... from him!!! :thumbup:
  20. +1 on good knives. Sister sold them for a little bit.
  21. wtf i got bad rep points for my post in this thread??? umm ok.
  22. i didnt bite and the bad thing is i cant mark it as spam in gmail cause they are always different g-mail accounts.
  23. this is the third e-mail i have gotten like this. then here is the attached picture. http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb204/helix27/photo.jpg thing i found weird was its fro a legit gmail account. and its a legit g-mail account "she" wants me to reply too. not a dating sites e-mail or something similar. i just wish they sent nudes with the e-mails least it would be a lil more fun heh.
  24. so how would i go about priming the oil in the 4.6. done it before on a 20 year old motor but nothing newer.
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