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Everything posted by Mowgli1647545497

  1. Years later and I'm still amazed by this video. I mean consider it - just look at it - all those japanese girls in one place and not a single tentacle. It boggles the mind.
  2. Saw the trailer for Sausage Party a long while ago and thought it was either a fan film or a joke. Not remotely interested. That movie might have entertained me when I was 15 but by now any jokes it may bring have been worn out decades ago.
  3. Ugh when I look at that all I see is: http://i.imgur.com/VeJZdhV.jpg
  4. Oops posted dupe thread in Passing Lane by mistake. As I said there, LeBlanc has been a surprise and I think he's getting pretty good at it. I think without Evans' manic spaz around he'd be a real asset. He's way better on the outdoor and driving stuff and you get the sense he's a legit car guy. I bet if they tone it down he could handle in-studio too. +1 to bringing Rory and especially Chris Harris onto the main stage. Although I don't think either is a "crowd handler" ala LeBlanc.
  5. Hope leBlanc stays. He's turning out quite good at it. You can tell he's a legit car guy. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/top-gear-host-chris-evans-908268 Get Chris Harris a bigger presence on the main show too.
  6. Things to do in NYC: Leave Best thing I ever did. Works for Cleveland too. +10,000pts for thread contribution
  7. Working in software development for more than 30 years. I work with coders every day. And I can tell you I will never surrender my vehicle control to programmed code. Ever. Effing tech millenials drink the Cool Aid WAY too easy these days. Please, PLEASE don't let IT, tech commentators, tech groupies, applegoogle fanatics, and the rest of the tech hipster blogosphere lead the national vision on where and how this stuff gets rolled out. They are patently shortsighted and narrow visioned. Give these cars to mechanics, racers, CAR GUYS. Let them fuck with them for a good long while. THEN we'll be better informed how these machines will interact in our real lives. Not the "oh gee I can draw a flower on my watch and send it to my friends = progress" crowd.
  8. Currency traders gonna make a killing. Buy those discount pounds boys
  9. BBC and ITV just called the vote win for the Leave camp. UK to EU: "See ya." wow.
  10. And here's the link to one of those earlier articles: Corvette's Magnussen accuses Ford of sandbagging to gain performance http://www.motorsport.com/lemans/news/corvettes-magnussen-accuses-ford-of-sandbagging-to-gain-performance-782033/ Pretty soon we'll have team captains taking fake dives in the pit lanes ala Premiere League Soccer.
  11. What the OP didn't post was the previous round of BoP adjustments done days back where the Corvettes were nerfed to slow them down to the lap times of the Fords and Ferraris. ...who, it turned out, where sandbagging during the BoP runs. And so, this round of further BoP adjustments. Its all one big poker game combined with Kabuki Theatre sprinkled with a dash of racing.
  12. Time to upgrade from a well fed dog to a poorly fed cat.
  13. holy shit just got around to watching this. I am dieing over here.
  14. Meh, both too slowheavy http://robertkaplinsky.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/drevil_cover.jpg
  15. Leblanc was actually good in the film portion he did. In studio he was wooden though.
  16. It is. 1 Cars n Coffee 2 Crash 3 Camaro doing what it does best: copy the Mustang 3C http://threecbodyshop.com/logo-three-c-body-shop-inc.png?69d2c1 (see what I did there?)
  17. Remember when Jalopnik used to write good automotive stories? Yeah me neither. PS - NYC sucks (Lived south of Philly spent many weeks/weekends working for clients in NYC - train up to Penn then cabbing around. Hate that town now. Dirty everything. Unhealthy people. Bleh. Cali beats NY in every way imaginable.)
  18. That is happening all over the US on these Shelbys. Is why I started pricing Camaros and ultimately ended up buying a Stingray. Fuck that noise. Actually - fuck dealers altogether. Bring on the Tesla Direct-to-Customer model asap. Can't get here soon enough.
  19. Uh... I understand all that. Kinda why I used the word blowtorch. What exactly are we arguing about? Because it looks like we're saying the same thing. Alot of personal experience with lipos in hi power hi load situations. Didn't need the remedial google battery regurgitation. I believe I stated years ago right here in CR that battery tech was going to be the limiting factor for a long time, and no amount of clever coding can overcome physics. In fact the company I'm contracting to right now is heavily into chemical research for the battery industry. As for electric motors. Well, nobody who's served in the Navy has any misconceptions around the power, reliability, or century+ pedigree of electric motors.
  20. I know right? Love that video. But more to the point - as we read from the article above, the Hellcat motor is built to and expected to do 100 back to back runs without performance degradation. Thats not just DO 100 runs, but do 100 runs without performance degradation. Insane mode indeed. Is that realistic? Probably not. But what IS realistic, is that the Tesla would not accomplish anything anywhere remotely NEAR that kind of sustained performance ask. Not only can you expect the nanny programming to kick in somewhere around the 3 minute mark and chop power off (what would that net you? 10 runs? if you did nothing but seesaw quartermiles back and forth) but if the nanny mode DIDN'T kick in, and you kept chasing 1/4 runs nonstop, the battery pack would cordially turn into a blowtorch. re - Tesla Roadster. So, well, there's that.
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