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Everything posted by Mowgli1647545497

  1. jinx - I was thinking balancer on the drive home too
  2. had a good laugh with this on my... ANDROID
  3. Good idea, not dumb, Nate. Thx I'll look into that. Seems a slim possibility, given the force with which it can vibrate the whole car, but worth a look. Jason, its not just at idle but really any multiple of 1500rpm. Its worst at 1500rpm but it has some harmonic vibration on rpm multiples above that. Reason I don't think its the tranny is it does it even when not in gear, but just sitting in neutral too.
  4. Actually, no he wasn't. The whole waive's tale about Einstein being "bad" at school is wrong: he did bad because he was so far ahead of both the class and his teachers that he asked questions that nobody could answer / got bored / got booted. oops sniped
  5. Hi all, Abit back I posted about a growing vibration issue I've been having in my 04 V. As a recap: the engine is running rougher or imparts more vibration to to cockpit. Its growing in intensity over time. It vibrates most as certain RPMs and at others its more quiet. Its a function of engine RPM and not road speed or gear engagement (although having the gears engaged seems to impart more vibration to the body/chassis). Since I originally wrote I've done the following: - inspected the motor and tranny mounts (all are fine, solid and tight with not looseness and all in spec. - changed the plugs and a couple of the plug wires - run a few tanks with injector cleaner - new filters - had the codes checked by a tech (no thrown codes or anything like that) This has slightly helped the vibration but not removed it. The car is at 84,000 and has had regular servicing. MPG has not dropped off. I'm at a loss. If this were an old car I'd say a carb-cleaning/timing etc. But I just don't know. When the mounts checked out it really took away the one thing I thought Iit could be. I'm wondering - could injectors be the culprit?
  6. $100 says the vid comment "I got the wierdest boner right now" came from CR.
  7. As slated on the queue right behind hover cars, jet boots and attractive programmer chicks.
  8. Buggy as fuk. I spent so much time patching/fixing/ writing fixes I just gave up and did the ubunto thing. Coulda been my ghetto hardware though....
  9. At first I was like "ROFL +1, haha, good one man". And got up and as happy guy and went to get a coffee. Then a couple minutes later I was over by the coffee machine and looked at myself in the reflective coffee machine... "hmm, well shit" (catholic guilt mode: activate!) "at least they did something mr coffee getting guy. Anything." Then I sat back down feeling sad. Fucking aimless activists. Making my coffee bitter. Ron Paul. To get my happy back.
  10. Ubuntu when I want to fool around. win 7 when I game and work.
  11. Good decision. Congratulations on keeping your testicles!
  12. And will waste even MORE of your time http://mandaflewaway.tumblr.com/post/2057242738 Brilliant.
  13. Who let you into the tent? Seriously though when you going to be back?
  14. as much sleep as I can get away with
  15. I have 4 rings on my anus. Can I haz friend? Indeed. Bimmers batting .500 on the dickbreathery index is definitely a pull up outta the weeds for them. Any higher and they'll be a respectible brand. But its OK - Monkey's cool, bimmer or no. I know where he vents his interwebz douchebaggery, so he'll be nice to you cockfags, but he's welcome to vent it here more: CR is a better receptical for spew. (I was looking at Jones when I envisioned spew and recepticals... mmm seckzy) -------- As for Timmay, looks like I missed the fun. Can I dump this: http://www.motifake.com/image/demotivational-poster/small/1003/license-plates-lol-timmay-fail-demotivational-poster-1269030411.jpg
  16. As you wish blah! http://img594.imageshack.us/img594/4048/fangse.jpg How's that for a blast from the past? (That's going to go right past 90% of the members in here) Seriously though, getting swirl out sucks ass. I'm trying to find those old threads of Andy's before he turned it into a bizness, forget the bars and shit he used but he had some awesome success shots of various people's cars he recovered from painful paint abuses. Those old microfiber and claybar threads we had on here. Had to be years ago cuz I can't find em in searches (on accounta I'm a lazy fuck). AudiOn19s where you at? Time to dig up some of that product info you pimped. EDIT: Found it. It was the Zaino threads.
  17. I think James Bond used that bit there too in one of the older movies didnt he?
  18. You probably haven't - its a Cincy car.
  19. *DELETED* This is going into territory I don't want to remember.
  20. Let me say this: if my business income wasn't so in the shitter these last two years I would have traded in the CTS-V for one of these decked out like *click* THAT. Ford makes good trucks. And my last Ford's motor (in my 03 Cobra) ate chumps for lunch. People dissing Ford are stuck in their daddy's redneck worldview, usually with absolutely no facts or experience to back them up.
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