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Bobby Lee

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Everything posted by Bobby Lee

  1. Explosive Ordnance Disposal You won't regret it...
  2. Let him know that I'm interested. Still waiting to hear back from Sam on his BMW, but this is a possibility as well.
  3. Too bad I've been in 29 Palms for the last month. I could've taken leave and trailed it up for you.
  4. A trip to Vegas. A week of Hookers and Blow will make memories for a lifetime.
  5. Just wondering if you had an update on this. I sent you an email a while back and never heard anything back. Let me know, thanks.
  6. Looks more and more tempting with the new price. ^^^ Along with that, have you worked on any of the other listed fixes, etc?
  7. Does the 458 have shift lights on the steering wheel?!
  8. That can be a bit risky. Supposively the EPA regulates the DPF and other environmental equipment on new diesels. By deleting these filters you are essentially committing a felony per the EPA.
  9. They left out Chief Warrant Officers. Colonels and SgtsMaj know better than to fuck with a Gunner.
  10. Where are you staying? I just flew into Albuquerque yesterday afternoon. Gonna be here for the whole week.
  11. Why can't that dude say "umm" like the rest of us instead of that faggoty British/Irish way of saying it...
  12. Bobby Lee


    Not for $11,000+. I could get a decent Tacoma for that much and have way more fun mudding around on the farm.
  13. You'd be amazed at how well explosives continue to work. All of the C4 that we use now during day to day operations here in the States is from the '60s. Left over from Vietnam. Even black powder filled cannon balls from the War of Northern Aggression are extremely dangerous, and in most cases more sensitive now than the day they were manufactured.
  14. Not looking good so far. I have faith, but still... its waivering.
  15. Pretty f-ing sweet. The thought of offering my Rat Rod for a partial trade crossed my mind. Convinced myself that I wouldn't sell/trade... but then again, everyone has their price.
  16. Tool boxes and a pit bike are mandatory for such a vehicle. Cool project!
  17. I thought the same thing, except for my kevlar. Might pick some of these up for everyone in our shop.
  18. For some reason I find the hunter orange one oddly attractive...
  19. Holy fuck... love me some old school Ford Escort rallying.
  20. Those remind me of these from 5 Axis: http://www.l-tunedparts.com/photos/2933/6.dat?1215100916
  21. I think the author of the article miss-spoke with the word "detonated." Chances are they shot it with an "explosive" tool similar to this: http://www.446aw.afrc.af.mil/shared/media/photodb/web/060404-F-7318G-003.jpg ... that is designed to harmlessly open the device up. Sounds like a shotgun (in fact it uses a blank shotgun shell and a jet of water), but reporters are idiots and want to wow their readers.
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