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Everything posted by Bgbdbn

  1. That is nice. Very clean. How much are you lowering it?
  2. Bgbdbn


    Welcome, Mopars rule!
  3. Thats awesome! Love the user name
  4. That must be some truck!
  5. Way to go man. Good to see there are some decent people out there. Did the cops say anything about trying to find the thiefs or are they just going to let it go?
  6. What the fuck is wrong with people. Bad thing is its probably some young kid that thinks its neat.
  7. Bgbdbn

    3sum nws

    I will read the rest of the thread from now on before clicking on links. Thats just fucking wrong.
  8. Those are great. If only you could really have somethng like that. Car theft would cease to exist.
  9. What are you wrapping those with? Look good.
  10. Listening to some Good Charlette right now
  11. The money is yours. Just like the above post say. He prevented you from selling them to another person that wanted to buy them right then and there.
  12. Bgbdbn

    Type R boneyard

    Hope something like that never comes to the United States.
  13. Sweet. I like that last one
  14. Did anyone see the thing on the discovery channel the other night? It was about gas. It was saying that most of the gas we get is pumped through pipelines from the refineries to bulk holding tanks. All the oil companies put gas in them and take gas out of the other end the same day. They went on to say that it takes a few days for the actual barrels that were put in to reach the other end. They also said all the gas is the same, you dont really know whos gas you are getting. The only difference is the additives that go into it when it is loaded into the trucks to be distributed to the stations.
  15. Bgbdbn

    Ewa Sonnet

    graemlins/thumb.gif I like big bewbies good find
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