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Everything posted by Archie

  1. trowa, your sig makes me lol everytime I see it.
  2. Possibly, I need to tune this sled. I won't be sore if I lose to a well built WRX, I used to own one. How much better is your gearbox once you upgraded it, I thought about doing that same shit before I sold mine...
  3. I lol'd at this... Someone please explain to me know I could go to college full time, work 30 hours a week for the IT department at said college, played collegiate rugby, and worked summers taking a beating everyday working construction for more than most people make in their full time careers, AND I COULDN'T AFFORD JACK SHIT. I drove a beat up Camaro/S10 while I was a student. You can tell me all this b/s about paying for this or that, but I'm way too educated in accounting/economics to be convinced otherwise. Maybe its because I had to pay for everything. No trust funds, no family inheretence, no high limit credit cards. Maybe its because I do shit how America used to, with cash. You don't own anything if you are paying payments to the bank, and they have a lean on your title. In the meantime, mrhobbz, fuck off. Don't bash my threads.
  4. Haha your a bitch, why the fuck do you have to bash my threads. Then explain to me how in the fuck a 19 year old uneducated fuck can afford a Camaro, bike, rent, bills, insurance, ect. Mods delete these mindless shit-talking posts in the fucking "pics and vids" section.
  5. Don't hate just because I bought mine, and your parents bought yours. Bitch.
  6. '99 Camaro SS A few preliminary pics... http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f214/apietra/SS/DSC00002.jpg http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f214/apietra/SS/DSC00003.jpg http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f214/apietra/SS/DSC00004.jpg http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f214/apietra/SS/2008_0423parts0094.jpg
  7. Bump... Who's that chic on your avatar??
  8. He should! He's the one that makes the payments...
  9. Archie

    Sweet8Tooth call me

    Ahh I know I'm a mess.
  10. "The frame was forged in the fires of Mount Doom, then immediately banged with a sledge hammer for hours to allow turbo clearance..."
  11. Archie

    1999 Cobra

    Has your buddy gotten a lot of offers???
  12. Archie

    Going Green

    Going "green" is a fucking sham. Carbon credits, LEED certification, fees, permits, global tax, tax, tax... It's just another thing for the government to relieve the tax burden from corporations and squeeze money out of the middle class, eventually destroying it. This leaves the richest 1% who control millions of poor, peasant drones to work for them. By accepting this global warming/green bullshit, we are sealing our own fate. Think I'm crazy but look at fuel prices, food, globalization, ect: It's out of control.
  13. Who knows I'm just gonna get it back, fuck with it, do some body work on it, and sell it.
  14. OK, I had the guy at Valeo pull a TO and measure it... Total height of the TO bearing - 43.5 MM Inside dimension of the area where the fork engages - 19.8 MM He also said you need that 5/16" play in there so the fork won't jam on the TO. AJ, if you want to hear it for yourself just call (888) 71-VALEO, they are very helpful. I think the hydralics are trashed...
  15. Archie

    This chic??

    Damn thats one hell of a dumper..
  16. I called valeo yesterday and talked to a 'tech guy'... He pretty much told me that all the TO's that are used on Valeo's PPs are the same height. He reiterated what Joe said about all the aftermarket clutch kits being mostly LT4 pressure plates and they also typically use the LT4 TO. As we've seen the only difference is the shape of the TO (LT4 is square), and it is supposed to be a little more heavy duty. He also gave me all the bullshit about bad hydralics, overmachined flywheel, fucked up pressure plate, ect. One thing he did say that was interesting was that people had disengagement issues if they torqued the shit out of the bolts that held the pressure plate on... he said to follow the torque specs very carefully (44 ft/lbs?). AJ, if I cant figure anything out by the end of today just slap it back together and I'll sell this POS.
  17. http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f214/apietra/trannywforkinstalled.jpg I don't see anything different...
  18. The fork WAS removed. I don't think the fork is on backwards because of the clip that holds the fork in place once you bolt the tranny up... The Pressure Plate/TO is just a LT4. After getting a stock TO from Autozone, there was no difference in height, which could cause it to not disengage. I didn't know the pivot on the fork could be adjusted... Maybe AJ can clarify a little more.
  19. http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f214/apietra/0406081459.jpg http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f214/apietra/0406081512.jpg
  20. As far as I know, AJ installed the fork just fine. He did resurface the flywheel, but wouldn't making it too shallow cause it to not fully disengage???
  21. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v716/z28toaz34/modifiedslave.jpg Adjustable slave rod... Might be a last ditch effort to fix it. Two screws, two nuts, and a sleeve. I'm thinking I need to try replacing the hydralics.
  22. Well AJ's been trying to work the bugs out on my '96 Z28's clutch replacement, But we've run into a problem with the clutch not fully disengaging. I've researched this problem a little bit but no success. Typically this problem is due to faulty hydralics, ie. slave cylinder, but this doesn't seem likely after working it by hand. One odd thing is that the throwout bearing seems too tall as the clutch fork has about 5/16" of play when its on the TO bearing. Hopefully some of the LT1 gurus on here can shine some light on this situation...
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