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Everything posted by Archie

  1. Nice numbers. What other mods do you have on the car?
  2. If you know where he works get that mother fucker fired. Put his car for sale really cheap on craigslist and people will blow his phone up
  3. A man with a gun can spell anyway he likes...
  4. Same thing happend to me, but I told someone and got into a lot of trouble... still haven't seen her since.
  5. Archie

    Uh yeah

    Tell me about it. I tried to take a shit this morning and some asshole was in there cleaning and signing while he was doing it. Hell of a way to take away a man's morning glory.
  6. I'll PM you on Friday or Saturday if it's still available
  7. You'll be at the front of the breadline...
  8. With the way that energy costs are shifting, I think it looks like trains will be more efficient for long distance transportation & shipping.
  9. Your little snide remarks show your own ignorance.
  10. Trust me, you'll be able to sell it. China will need scrap steel. Maybe you and Kevin R. can do some research and quit rolling your eyes.
  11. No theyare seeing trillion dollar profits because oil consumption is higher than its ever been. The price of bread hasn't gone up but look at eggs, milk, ect. maybe you should go to the grocery store with your mom the next time she goes. You cannot sell your mustang with an inflation adjustment because people don't need your mustang to live. People don't consume 1 billion barrels of mustangs a day, get it? Research the logic. The Fed prints more paper money, which in reality is just debt. The dollar is now worth less in world markets, i.e. Oil. We now pay more dollars for the same amount of oil. Don't talk down to me like some fucking shmuck. I don't really expect someone like you to understand this viewpoint. You're 20, your daddy pays for your mustang. When I was 20, I was still in college and I drove a broke ass S10, because that's all I could afford. On the internet you can try to back this up with "oh I work here, and I do this", but in reality it is not economically feasable for someone your age to be able to pay for; food, bills, rent, car payment, ect. so save it.
  12. People don't seem to grasp the concept that higher oil prices are a result of inflation. Since congress has given the Federal Reserve MORE power, they will continue to cut interest rates and print more money to temporarily fix this stock market situation. The government has already bailed out a bunch of crooks that gave themselves over 30 Billion in bonuses just this past January. Striking truckers will only raise the costs of commodities... The 2nd great depression is coming, 1 in 10 are already on food stamps... It's just a matter of time before the breadlines start to form. What this means for most of you 19 - 20 somethings? Daddy's will lose his paper pushing middle man job and you'll have to sell your Mustang/Corvette/STI/Evo. Waa Waa. It's ok though, the world always needs ditch diggers.
  13. From my experience, I'd go with the STI... Even the '03+ 5 speed trannys are still slushboxes. The 5 speed tranny is by no means a bad box but it was built for rally racing, not for a 5k clutch dump. The 6MT is built like a pussy, you can beat that bitch up all night and she'll still want some more...
  14. Definitely some creep in Westerville, there was some kind of retarded story behind it which I can't remember. Reminds me of this fat mother fucker in Bowling Green that used to ride around in a bicycle which had a basket that was full of water bottles...
  15. You posted in the wrong forum and you seem like a failed abortion. Is your 01 Z an 6MT or an auto? I have a 2 wheel drive I might trade for that bad boy.
  16. I'll be there with my ricer car... I don't give a fuck.
  17. Man, when I was a kid all those years of family dinners I had that were prepared second generation Italian/Americans must of been a figment of my imagination. Thanks for clearing this up...
  18. I'd not recommend going there... For italian food, they've done a shitty job. Italain food is all about portions & bold taste, you will find niether at marcellas... Carrabas is much better.
  19. Archie


    Marlboro Ultra Lights
  20. I'd say Argosy has one of the better blackjack table setups. Last time I was there I didn't lose too much...
  21. Bump, this car hung with a high 12 second WRX
  22. That's a good point... You'd go from a law abiding citizen trying to protect yourself, to a crazy cowboy real quick.
  23. I have both... I miss my WRX though
  24. you lookin for any trades?? I got a marlin 30/30 I could get rid of...
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