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Everything posted by iwishiwascool

  1. Id recommend you review some of my previous political posts. If they were "surprisingly to the point" the SCOTUS would not reach split decisions (5-4) more than 22% of the time; let alone 3-6 or 2-7 decisions. The framers were deliberately and auspiciously ambiguous in their writing exactly because they recognized the reality of modernization. Even Constitutional fundamentalists and Prudentialists agree on that. US vs. Miller and Columbia vs. Heller will take you beyond you gradeschool intrepretation and your originalist perspective.
  2. Look, I'm not really even for banning any type of weapon that is currently accessible, but if you guys are going to construct your arguments based on the NRA's batshit crazy talking points you are going to lose moderates like me from your cause.
  3. Syria's army is 1/300th the size and strength of the US. On Spending alone: US Military Spending: 689,591,000,000 Syria Military Spending: 2,236,000,000 Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_military_expenditures
  4. So do you believe a tyrannical government that necessitated overthrow would handle Afghanistan the same way the insurgency has been addressed by the US?
  5. Except when that government has Drones... and missiles, and fighter jets, and tanks. Do you legitimately believe that a rag tag group of gun owners can legitimately mount such a defense? Do ARs really make the battle symmetrical? It isn't the nineteenth century anymore. Question two, In a percentage 0-100: how far along are we on a path in which we have to "defend ourselves from a tyrannical government"?
  6. Snap, I can't compete. My wife is close but I'm only in the upper-mid 700s (depending on the report).
  7. Lifehacker did an article today. http://lifehacker.com/5976175/how-to-build-your-credit-from-nothing-in-six-simple-steps
  8. Also, URC has some integration with Lurton components if you just one one or two rooms and are just doing a/v and lighting. I worked for the now defunct Progressive Audio many moons ago doing very high end automation sales.
  9. It's less DIY and more dealer driven so it might not be the direction you want to go. In terms of affordability it is a fraction of the cost of crestron or AMX.
  10. it's only a pipe dream if all you do is dream about it.
  11. I'm working on a similar project for healthcare (I was VP of a recruiting firm for 2 years). There is a specific niche that is extremely (completely) underserved by this technology. We should talk.
  12. Control4 is the lowest I'd go for home automation. For things that should be easy tasks, like turning on a light, who wants it to ever be a headache. You just want it to work.
  13. Mine didn't age well and got pretty ugly looking. I replaced it with a super simple stainless one that cost almost nothing. It has looked great for 2 or three years now.
  14. Snopes showed that the archive dates google shows is not always accurate. Or maybe they are in on it too.
  15. Your tinfoil hats are too tight. Jesus Christ. Spend a fraction as much time looking at the debunking as you do the conspiracy theories and you won't sound like crazy people. As a father, I have no fucking idea how I'd react in that situation. People do and feel crazy shit in surreal situations. Non of us can judge the reaction to what that dude was going through.
  16. Generally there is no 1 card and it depends on the type of spending you do. The most miles are going to be accrued through churning anyway. For day to day spending most blogs recommend the Chase Sapphire preferred. This is what I use and aside from the 50k sign-up I've managed to rack up about 30k points on day to day spending. I use my Priority Club card for my hotel stays to earn at least 1k points per stay. If a bulk of your spending is on gas, for example, there are better cards out there. There was recently an article on this exact subject: http://millionmilesecrets.com/2013/01/11/glyph-interview-with-mike/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+MillionMileSecrets+%28Million+Mile+Secrets%29 (though I havent read it yet)
  17. I'd feel the same way if I hid from Nazis in an attic for 2 years.
  18. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reductio_ad_Hitlerum
  19. 97.3% to be exact. He actually wanted to push it one more time... I just wanted to get it done.
  20. I DIY everything. I originally considered DIYing my home sale to save the money. The agent I went with sold my house for 98% of my asking price in 23 days. He was worth every single penny. He'll negotiate the hell out of the sale on your side as the buyer too. I actually think he is a machine. Jeff Mahler: jmahler1@gmail.com
  21. From what I understand, it's a world wide trend since the dawn of capitalism.
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