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Everything posted by dakotart

  1. dakotart

    WTB..Zip drives

    I'm pretty sure that I have an internal and external as well as a couple of disks. I'll check tonight when I get home from work. If you still decide to use a Zip drive you can have them. They were working when I took them out.
  2. I've seen a similar effect done using a long exposure and a strobe light. The picture showed a guy 4 or 5 times in the frame. He just stopped for 2-3 stobes in each spot.
  3. I have an extra antenna for home (not car). It has a 20 or 30 foot cable.
  4. Try to load malwarebytes from http://malwarebytes.org You may need to boot to safemode and try and run the scan from there.
  5. Is this it? http://www.realtor.com/realestateandhomes-detail/2396-Big-Run-Ridge-Blvd_Grove-City_OH_43123_1115177976
  6. From what I have read, you have to close before you can get the tax credit. This can be done by filing an amended tax return or waiting until 2010 filing. It is a tax credit and therefore would not be taxable.
  7. You must be in contract by April 30 and close by end of June.
  8. I have an extra pair of Adult wildlights general admission tickets that expire tonight. They are free and must be picked up in Groveport by 4 PM Cell 614-949-9554 Thanks, Rich
  9. It is possible that the computer assigned the new memory card the same drive letter that has already been assigned. (i.e. new card is assigned drive letter "D" which is also the CD-ROM) To check, right click on the "my computer" icon and left click on "manage" On the left, click on "disk management" On that screen you can 1. verify that the computer is recognizing the card 2. verify the format of the card 3. verify (change) the assigned drive letter.
  10. Diversification is probably the best thing. a year ago I decided to go back to college and get a masters degree in business administration rather than getting certifications due to the saturated market.
  11. What i have learned so far in my search for a house... Lenders are typically demanding a higher downpayment for condos. you should get a buyers realtor to help make sure you don't get taken to the cleaners. promptly fire your realtor if she (or he) is an idiot and get a new one.
  12. http://maps.google.com/maps/place?hl=en&source=hp&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=newark+ohio+deer+processing&fb=1&gl=us&hq=deer+processing&hnear=newark+ohio&cid=11964261279227701159 North Fork Deer Processing 79 Vine Street, Newark, OH (740) 345-3337‎ Reasonably priced and does a great job.
  13. Cardiac arrest is not the same as a heart attack. http://men.webmd.com/heart-attack-cardiac-arrest
  14. Run a scan with malwarebytes http://malwarebytes.org This program has been the best at detecting bad stuff.
  15. I suggest removing the audio software, reboot, reinstall audio driver (download from manufacture website), reboot and it should work.
  16. Did you install the software from the CD included with the card? Sounds like the driver is not installed (or not installed correctly
  17. Ohio valley outdoors. On 33 toward lancaster.
  18. I believe that there is a federal tax credit for making energy efficiency upgrades. Each item is specific and does have caps. I believe that the $2,500 is correct but I don't believe that it is up front. Also, I think that credit is only for 2009 and 2010.
  19. What was the virus name?
  20. Can another account log on? what about the local administrator account?
  21. dakotart

    Airline Tickets

    I think the last time I flew, I bought direct from southwest.com It should be noted that after you fly, you will receive credit card offers from one of their affiliates. Also, don't forget to add in all of the fees that are not already included in the airfare. i.e checked baggage fees.
  22. If the owner is known, no matter the value of the house, it should be returned. If the owner is unknown , turn it into the police. I think after 30 days it becomes yours. (if not claimed)
  23. If you believe that there may be malware causing the slowness I recommend downloading and scanning with Malwarebytes http://Malwarebytes.org Other than that, formatting and reinstalled only the needed programs will restore the speed of the computer.
  24. In my experience, 0x7f errors are usually bad ram. (can be tested with memtest86, which is also a free download). but I have also seen it be drivers. On microsoft's website, 0x7f can practically be anything.
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