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Everything posted by Maro

  1. Maro


    Welcome to the board....
  2. Maro

    Hi everybody!

    What dose your car do? graemlins/lol.gif Welcome to the board....
  3. Maro

    new to cr

    lol! welcome to the board....
  4. If I win on there... can we drop the shipping and do a pick up?
  5. Probably just oil and grease burn off from assembly. Congrats, BTW.....! graemlins/thumb.gif
  6. IM or PM 69CamaroSS.... it is actually his server....
  7. I was just on with about 4 others.... we usually play in the evenings... from ~7:00PM - midnight.... Steve [ 29. May 2005, 11:41 PM: Message edited by: Maro ]
  8. It is fake..... go back to the root URL....
  9. A 2 liter bottle, pool cleaner (Hydrochloric acid), and shredded aluminum foil! Cap, shake, and toss... FAR AWAY.... Makes Hydrogen gas.... BOOM! Did this at a friends house when I was a kid. Big fireball and took a huge chuck of grass out of the lawn. *if you are dumb enough to try this, I will not be held accoutable for the consequences....
  10. Ah... it is all your frame of mind.... CS:Source = Counter Strike:Source (online two team shooter with Terrorists and Counter-Terrorist teams).
  11. First of all, I don't give a shit if you think 1.6 is better, CZ has better graphics, etc.... I'm not trying to be a dick or anything.... just trying to keep this on topic.... We wanted to post that the server is finally stable. We have the stats working well along with the other features. The IP is Hope to see some of you on there!
  12. Nice looking car..... WRB is a great color...
  13. Maro

    CS: Source peeps

    Eh... I cannot get into the server... gives some wierd error. Anyone else get in tonight?
  14. Maro

    Einstein the Bird

    SMACK! That had'ta hurt a little...
  15. Darwinism anyone? They don't deserve to be saved.
  16. Maro

    CS: Source peeps

    Had fun last night, even though I was getting my ass whipped by you guys. Man I suck! Better go practice some more!
  17. I'd come help ya, Hob.. but I have to work on another engine tomorrow for a guy at work.
  18. Maro

    CS: Source peeps

    Um...ok...since you say so, chief....
  19. Maro

    CS: Source peeps

    Just in case any of you are interested. 69CamaroSS has a local server for CS:Source. The server is in GC and plays very well. IP is Server name is -FightClub- Hope to see you on sometime....
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