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Everything posted by EVILGTP98
Hahah, yeah, that would be the logical step, just gotta find time to take the CCW, test out the new Fobus Holster as well.
I figured as long as it was locked up and ammo elsewhere it should not be a huge deal, thanks for the info guys.
Heading down to Florida at the end of the month to visit the GFs family and for vacation. Her brother is into guns and I would like to show him the new TRP, plus I prefer to travel with something with me just in case. Just curious what the rules and regulations are, I do not have a CCW but have no intentions of carrying the gun on me anyways. Just wondering if its in a case with a lock will that suffice, ammo in another location? Never really transported a hangun across 4 or 5 state lines. Thanks for the help guys.
Decided on a kind of spur of the moment thing, I got the weekend off and wanna head up to Norwalk for the finals this Sunday. Wondering if anybody had any tickets or knew somebody looking to sell that couldnt make it up. 2 tickets would be great if anyone comes across them. TIA Jamie
As the title says, my girl is looking for a street bike. She likes the looks of the Yamaha R6 or GSXR 6. Would prefer to be from 98 to current, looking to spend around 4000 bucks. Any hits or leads would be killer, thanks in advance. Jamie
Bike still for sale. Any updated pics. I may have an interested party if so.
Nail or glue down, I recommend nail, much better in my opinion, always nail into your groove side, face nail your first piece you start with and stagger your joints, cut a few pieces to your joints dont align. That will cause a weak spot if your joints are all in a row. Go to lowes and get you a roll of red rasin(sp) paper, 500 sq ft bout 11 bucks, keeps it from squeking. I have also heard of installers using baby power spread around before install to help with squiking boards. Never done it personally but it seems sound. Thats bout it, be prepared for a sore back and invest in some knee pads. good luck.
Nice gun, I put a few rounds down range so far, looking forward to playing with it. Guns got alot of potential, just got to play with it a bit and get accustomed to it. Very impressed with the quality and precision of the gun.
No biggie man. I just put a few down range to play. Incredible point shooting guns. Hits on the money. Definately the gun can shoot better than me
9/11 times 1 million whew
http://www.word-yo.com/images2/TrpOp.jpg To big of a hurry to shoot to put a pic up but looks identical to link above. Going to put a few rounds down range here shortly. So far very impressed, very well made gun, the barrel from this one is a match grade barrel from the armorer at springfields that was to be in his gun, custom fit and looks quite impressive in the gun. Skate board grips which are nice grip wise but a little rough for my taste. Ill get actual pics up soon, gonna go see how she performs.
I have never used it to hunt but it does a great job on clays and the choke tubes give a nice option for either barrel. I would run a modified in the lower and a skeet in the top for alot of sporting clay shoots and I would regularly break 75 to 80 out of 100. Depended on the course, I would figure that it would be pretty deadly for any type of bird as well as rabbit due to its use on clays. Also forget to mention trades are an option if there is anything out there. Been looking for a glock 21 or ak/sks variant. I just want the gun to find a good home, I dont use it enough now, my gf for xmas got me a stagecoach side by side so the gun just sits, might as well get something I can use more often.
Decided to sell my sporting clay/skeet gun, its a great shooting gun, works flawlessly, I just enjoy shooting an auto more. Gun has 2 minor dings on the stock, hardly worth mentioning, gun comes with 5 chock tubes. Guns has double triggers and 30 inch barrels. Pictures are not of the gun, but looks identical to it. Asking price $400 http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://forum.gon.com/attachment.php%3Fattachmentid%3D361800%26stc%3D1%26d%3D1250600475&imgrefurl=http://forum.gon.com/showthread.php%3Ft%3D394051&usg=__cfFgTl4cqkmuXa5MzfjwUpApGDU=&h=750&w=1000&sz=43&hl=en&start=5&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=syevBQ4eAakSlM:&tbnh=112&tbnw=149&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dhuglu%2Bnwtf%2Bshotgun%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26tbs%3Disch:1
thanks for the info guys, im gonna get the cruise line number and call em and see what they require to save the headache, but the new passport card dont sound bad, I will have to look into that and Howard, No for the tenth time I will not bring you back a little spanish boy.
My girlfriend and I take vacation to southern Florida a couple times a year, to visit her family and vacation. We found day cruises that leave Fort Lauderdale to the Bahamas and back and were looking into taking a 2 day cruise to check it out. From what I have read we will both need a passport to go and lookis like the time frame to get it is to long of a wait before we go in April. Just wondering if anyone knew for sure if we would need it, I cant seem to find any certain verification that we do. Thanks for the info guys.
I work as a sales specalist in flooring for lowes and I also am a back up driver for delivery, if I have learned nothing I have learned this, bitch and you will get what you want, trust me, raise enough stink and you will get it, very often we give the farm for far less then what you are asking, just raise enough hell, go straight to the store manager. The scratch and dent stuff is normally a good deal, they will eat the cost, just complain or you can return. Sounds like you got a good deal so i would try the complaint route, dont work you can always return in a week or so.
Yeah, I shot a friend of mines and fell in love with it, such a smooth shooter and was dead on at 10 to 25 yards, I literally decided then and there that was the 45 I wanted. From what I have read you it looks like I am going to have to pick one up used if I want the full rail.
Found a few sites that have the gun, however from what I am taking from Springfields website, it does not look like you can still get your hands on the full rail operator. Anybody seen one for sale anyplace, and prices if you have seen them, pretty sure the old tax return will be buying me one. http://www.gunshopfinder.com/springfield/PC9105L.asp
I used to consider myself a 1 man wolf pack
War Machine FTMFW... Impressed with the first installment, 2nd looks like it wont dissapoint.
Hornady TAP (tactical application police) black box, red letters, the 223 rounds for the AR do some impressive damage, the 45s I fired performed well also.
On in a few min, got to see what will happen. Watched it from day 1 and love it, own season 1, have both season DVR'ed and love it, all though I will say, last weeks episode hour and half special, was more likely 50 min long if ya take out the BS commercials.
cop killers, call Mel Gibson and Danny Glover
I been playing both the demos on x box live, I loved the past forzas but the need for speed demo is pretty sweet. Just curious which people are leaning twards.