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Everything posted by LJ

  1. Maybe Emmert won't use it, but it sets a bad precedent. They would have never gotten away with these punishments had PSU not blindly signed off, and that is a problem. It makes it so much harder for other schools to appeal punishments and so on. It broadens the scope of the NCAA so much that basically, that can no longer be used as a defense.
  2. That does what kind of good when ultimately the cover up was at the top and many many LAWS were broken?
  3. It WOULD be a 10.1, but they had no duty to report those to the NCAA, nor does the NCAA have the authority to enforce LAWS broken, only their own bylaws. Had Penn State not wanted to play ball, Emmert was not authorized to unilaterally impose punishments.— That means that the NCAA could not act because they did not have any direct violations to penalize for LOL WTF? Dumbest fucking statement of the year.
  4. The DoE can cut all federal funding to PSU and disallow use of federal loans for PSU tuition
  5. That's right, because the state has laws on that, as well as the DoE. The NCAA's job is to oversee competitive programs and the bylaws that go with that, not solve crimes.
  6. it is when they are hiding something against the bylaws
  7. I care because it is setting a new precedent on future sanctions by the NCAA for actions not covered in the bylaws. Just wait till a team goes on probation because they had a few guys get DUIs
  8. Nope. Lack of institutional control would mean that they are running amok against the bylaws. If I was wrong, this Had Penn State not wanted to play ball, Emmert was not authorized to unilaterally impose punishments Would not have been the case.
  9. I believe its intended to take the place of a TV ban so that it doesnt affect the other schools in the conference.
  10. Because there were no NCAA bylaws broken. See post above yours.
  11. Had Penn State not wanted to play ball, Emmert was not authorized to unilaterally impose punishments.— John Infante (@John_Infante) July 23, 2012
  12. PSU said they would accept any punishment with no appeal. They basically sold out to the NCAA in hopes to move forward. That's the only reason the NCAA could come down so confidently with this type of punishment so soon,
  13. To use a term the NCAA coined, how can this not represent a Lack of Institutional Control? Because it doesn't -- at least not in the NCAA sense. It is a case of a university having too much control. It is a case of a massive abuse of power with horrific consequences, and the perpetrators of that abuse of power deserve jail time. It is not a case of broken NCAA bylaws, though. Read more: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2012/writers/andy_staples/07/02/penn-state-jerry-sandusky-ncaa/index.html#ixzz21SGVY3hv Read more: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2012/writers/michael_rosenberg/07/19/penn-state-death-penalty/index.html#ixzz21SGK4C8v @schadjoe: NCAA experts keep saying the PSU situation is outside NCAA bylaws and the Emmert doesn't presently have autonomy to level penalties @schadjoe: The NCAA is exploring all options including unprecedented ones to due uniqueness of PSU case .
  14. I think Pitt and WVU get a good chunk of PSU players
  15. I disagree. It's a case for the DoJ and DoE. I'm sure there are bylaw violations in there, but they are not worthy of this penalty. The DoE will punish the proper areas of the institution.
  16. It also sets the precedent that the NCAA can act on whatever they want. The NCAA is there to enforce their bylaws. This fell outside the realm of their bylaws, but they acted anyway. With PSU saying that they would not appeal any decision, that basically means the NCAA now has free reign to do whatever the fuck they want moving forward.
  17. The NCAA acted outside of their bylaws. It's total BS to me. This is a DoE and DOJ issue. Not an NCAA issue.
  18. I am 100% against the penalties levied by the NCAA. It is outside the scope of their bylaws, even as admitted by the president of the NCAA. PSU going along with whatever they say is nothing but bad news for the future of college sports. It sets a precedent that the NCAA can punish programs not only for bylaw violations, but also whatever the hell else they want to punish programs for. It should have been left to the DoE and DoJ
  19. Romanoff has them starting at $4k installed
  20. LJ

    Overseas IT support

    A friend of mine took off work for my wedding last year, he was supposed to work from home on Thurs and Friday and he couldn't get logged in, so he called IT. They said they would have someone call him (this was Thursday around 9am), they called him back Saturday night at 10pm :gabe:
  21. My buddy had a HP loan, from what he told me is that the house had to have $5000+ in repairs to make the home habitable. Like his had lots of busted pipes and missing ceiling and also had some ceiling joists notched And the $5000 to become habitable is a requirement of the loan. So get a good inspection, could have major electrical, foundation, or plumbing problem
  22. LJ

    House For Rent

    I decided to avoid the Realtor. Im not paying 1 month's rent in commission for something I can do myself. I grew up in the rental business (worked for my dad forever who had apartments and rental houses) so I feel like I can do everything a Realtor can except the MLS. PM me if you have any questions about doing it yourself, or how to avoid freaks on Craigslist.
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