The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. Come on, come on. Come on, come on. The blood of Jesus. Hurry up y'all. Get him out of there. Come on. Come on. Come on. The blood of Jesus. Come on. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. Hurry y'all please. Jesus. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. Come on y'all, please. Get him out. Get him out. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. Devil, you's a LIE. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. God. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. Get him out y'all. Come on. Come on. Get him out. Get him out. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. Jesus. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. Come on babies. Get him out God. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. Come on. Jesus. The blood. The blood. The blood. The blood. The blood. Jesus. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. God I thank you. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. Come on babies. Please God. Holy fire. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Lord Jesus. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. Help 'em Jesus. Jesus. God, you hold it. Jesus. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. Lord. The blood. I plead the blood over you Satan. You a LIE. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. The blood of Jesus. Satan, you a LIE. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. The blood of Jesus. (Inaudible crying and pleading for help) (YES GOD YES GOD) The blood of Jesus. The devil, you a lie. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. The blood of Jesus. Jesus, Jesus. Thank- Jesus. JESUS. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. Jesus. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. Stay a-... Jesus. Stay a bl-... LET THE SEAT BACK! LET THE SEAT BACK! LET THE SEAT BACK! The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. Jesus, Jesus. GOD JESUS The blood of Jesus. They got him. They got him. They got him. THANK you Jesus. Thank you Jesus. Jesus, Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. They got him out. They got him out. They got him out. Jesus. They got him OOOUUUUT of- Jesus. (YES THANK YOU) God we thank you. Thank you Jesus. Door closes Thank you Jesus. Oh shit. Ha. They need some more of- YAY GOD. Jesus. Jesus, Jesus. THANK YOU GOD! unintelligible screaming Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. It's gonna explode. Car honk Car accelerates It's gonna explode. Thank you Jesus. Thank you Jesus. Thank you Jesus. Thank you Jesus. Thank you Jesus. The saving power of Jesus. Thank you Jesus. Thank you Jesus. Its' gonna blow. Thank you Jesus. Lord I THANK YOU. AH YEAH! THANK Y-