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Everything posted by LJ

  1. Again, read what I said. The fact of whether or not congress would ever let that happen is moot. The fact that the man believes that makes him one of the most unelectable candidates I have seen in my lifetime.
  2. Yes. On real earned income. Not investments. Hell, they also bank their income in tax deferred Mirror 401(k)s
  3. The first thing that needs to happen is removing the ceiling for ssdi payments. That is what makes the effective rate discrepancy so high
  4. That makes his ideals better how?
  5. Kasich> My Uncle > Me >Cruz > Trump > Hillary > Bernie Bernie wants to raise my taxes $20k, for a family of 4. HA!
  6. Kasich is the only one that polls above Hillary, wtf are you talking about?
  7. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. Come on, come on. Come on, come on. The blood of Jesus. Hurry up y'all. Get him out of there. Come on. Come on. Come on. The blood of Jesus. Come on. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. Hurry y'all please. Jesus. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. Come on y'all, please. Get him out. Get him out. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. Devil, you's a LIE. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. God. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. Get him out y'all. Come on. Come on. Get him out. Get him out. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. Jesus. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. Come on babies. Get him out God. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. Come on. Jesus. The blood. The blood. The blood. The blood. The blood. Jesus. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. God I thank you. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. Come on babies. Please God. Holy fire. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Lord Jesus. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. Help 'em Jesus. Jesus. God, you hold it. Jesus. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. Lord. The blood. I plead the blood over you Satan. You a LIE. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. The blood of Jesus. Satan, you a LIE. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. The blood of Jesus. (Inaudible crying and pleading for help) (YES GOD YES GOD) The blood of Jesus. The devil, you a lie. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. The blood of Jesus. Jesus, Jesus. Thank- Jesus. JESUS. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. Jesus. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. Stay a-... Jesus. Stay a bl-... LET THE SEAT BACK! LET THE SEAT BACK! LET THE SEAT BACK! The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. Jesus, Jesus. GOD JESUS The blood of Jesus. They got him. They got him. They got him. THANK you Jesus. Thank you Jesus. Jesus, Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. They got him out. They got him out. They got him out. Jesus. They got him OOOUUUUT of- Jesus. (YES THANK YOU) God we thank you. Thank you Jesus. Door closes Thank you Jesus. Oh shit. Ha. They need some more of- YAY GOD. Jesus. Jesus, Jesus. THANK YOU GOD! unintelligible screaming Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. It's gonna explode. Car honk Car accelerates It's gonna explode. Thank you Jesus. Thank you Jesus. Thank you Jesus. Thank you Jesus. Thank you Jesus. The saving power of Jesus. Thank you Jesus. Thank you Jesus. Its' gonna blow. Thank you Jesus. Lord I THANK YOU. AH YEAH! THANK Y-
  8. Isn't terrorism insurance heavily subsidized too?
  9. LJ

    2016 Fishing thread

    Joe, my buddy and I fly fish Clear Creek, Olentangy, and Mad River a few times every spring. With a new baby due April 1, not sure how much ill get out this year, but I'll hit you up when we go if you are intersted
  10. LJ


    I think I will try those easy plans you posted. When I post a pic that looks like this http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh143/werdnayarg/webstuf/Homer%20Spice%20Rack/Homer_Simpson_Spice.jpg That is the queue that I still need one built for me
  11. LJ


    No router, no table saw, etc etc
  12. LJ


    That's awesome, I could build one of those, 14" seat height too. My problem is I have remodeling tools, not really woodworking tools
  13. LJ


    Yeah it's for a antique kids rolltop desk. The chair with it is extremely dangerous and looks like it has been cobbled together a million times. The exact details don't really matter as much as the whole design of the chair.
  14. LJ


    Honestly, im down for whatever chair anyone has a desire to make in the right size.
  15. There are no costs or fees associated with the county you practice in. Veterinary prices are almost 100% overhead driven. If a practice has a paid off building, an old paid off film xray, etc. Their prices will be cheaper than other places. The market is also so saturated in Columbus that it's an industry where you can really say "you get what you pay for". As for cancer treatement, OSU and MedVet have the only board certified oncologists in central Ohio. OSU's treatment protocols were almost all developed by Dr. Cheryl London, who now heads up a cancer research dept. at Harvard.
  16. Uh, no. MedVet can give discounts willy nilly because they are privately owned, whereas Ohio State cannot give discounts below cost.
  17. LJ


    It would be like this http://feelthehome.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/Wooden-Dining-Room-Chair-Furniture.jpg I can get more dimensions tonight if someone is interested
  18. LJ


    Anyone wanna build my kid a new chair for his desk? He has an antique kids rolltop desk, and the chair that came with it is junk and constantly falls over. The issue is the chair is 14.25" seat height, and everything I find is either too big, or 13.25 seat height.
  19. Except in Orthopedics, where Dr. Dyce at OSU is tops in the world
  20. Go to OSU. There are some choices outside of MedVet and OSU, but they dont't have board certified specialists. Probably needs an ortho and/or neuro workup. MedVet takes CareCredit, OSU does not.
  21. Right about 25 minutes from my door to my office on OSU campus. Downtown is even less.
  22. LJ

    Costco FTW!

    Put it in a savings account for when that insurance company refuses to pay out on your claim
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