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Everything posted by kshymkiw83

  1. http://www.kygunco.com best prices I have ever seen. They knock off 3% of the price if you pay with cash,check,wire,money order.
  2. MELT is like Thurmans. Good novelty. I wouldn't go out of my way to make to MELT though.
  3. Didn't see that coming after I posted it.
  4. We can ship you some of ours? We have 5 feet on the ground, and got 6 inches last night.
  5. Why was the transmission rebuilt?
  6. Sure. Dock everyone in a given school system making over 70k by 5k. That would free up boat loads of money that could go to the kids.
  7. ODNR Officers make about 50k. The highest level engineers make less than teachers in public school systems.
  8. Why pass a levy? Why not dock the 500+ teachers pay by 5k each? That is 2.5 million dollars they just opened up to be put back into the school system.....
  9. Shouldn't be off. Are you doing OT, or any other extra curricular things for which you get paid? The Treasurer's site tracks OT as well, I don't think Buckeye Institute does. Try using the State Treasurer site: http://www.tos.ohio.gov/state_salary It may be a tad more accurate. That is comforting, to know the potential for a lot of those numbers to be on the low side. I looked up my aunt on both sites, and the Treasurer has her at 5k higher than the Buckeye Institute.
  10. You mean Columbus? They are a cluster fuck and a half. A year or two ago, they were talking about cutting lunches from school.
  11. Turning a blind eye and letting government sort out where to spend the money, has worked so well for us in the past! Glad to see this took off.
  12. You can't be more Catholic than the pope. If the school system isn't going to provide you the tools to do your job, then it is their issue. Maybe they could relieve some of the pressure on the new teacher making 40k, if they didn't pay some of the other teachers 80k or more. Take 5k off those teachers salary, and see how much money you have.....
  13. Teachers are paid more than cops in most scenarios. If the kids parents don't give a fuck, then let the kid fall behind and fail. Pay for jobs needs to be based on performance. I don't know one private company that would give you a raise, simply because you have been there for 5 years. Most companies these days, aren't even doing cost of living pay increases. Not to mention the pension that the taxpayers have to pay for down the road. Teachers grade papers, write up some cirriculum, and come in 186 days a year, stand in front of a class, and say the same shit over and over.
  14. So a teacher, does a lot more than a Cop, who is out there risking their life every time they pull a car over? I am shocked you would sit there and say that a teacher who spends 186 days a year doing something, deserves more than a cop, who is risking their life with every call they take.
  15. I was more or less playing Devil's advocate. The thing you can do though is fire someone from your sales team. A teacher can't fire or tell a student to leave.
  16. How can you truly judge performance for teachers? If a student bombs a test, because they can't test well, it isn't the teachers fault.
  17. My Aunt, has been teaching for 20 years, in Gahanna, doesn't have a Docterate, Masters only, and makes 89,366, which she has topped at for 3 years now. That means if she never gets paid a dime more and teaches 10 more years then we are responsible for paying her 59k dollars per year in pension as well. Which they estimate her lifetime pension from Joe Taxpayer's dollars to be 1.33 million dollars, money she didn't have to put away or save, money just given to her.
  18. Why is it depressing? She has a salary on par with others? Teachers making more than Law Enforcement Officers, is a crying fucking shame. Someone who works 186 days out of the year, make more than someone risking their life daily.
  19. I agree with a lot of what you are saying, pay the good teachers the money they deserve. How do you judge that though? You could have a great teacher who doesn't teach the standardized testing stuff the best. Or you could just have a kid who doesn't test well, which then impacts the teachers pay. I think teachers as a whole make too much money, and I am sure I will catch some flak for saying it, but that is how I feel about it. I have 5 teachers in my family, and I tell them the same thing. I don't think any teacher should be making 100k, for working half the year. This among many other reasons is why I will be home schooling/private schooling my kids.
  20. Maybe they could pay their staff more reasonable wages? I am sure there are other areas they could cut, before they cut activities for students. http://www.buckeyeinstitute.org/teacher-salary They have elementary school teachers making 80k+
  21. They had some shows I enjoyed listening to from time to time. Despite what a lot of people think, I enjoyed listening to Michael Savage. He isn't for everyone, but he does have some insightful things to say from time to time. There was a few other talk shows on there, I enjoyed listening to, I just can't remember who they were now.
  22. I can honestly say, I have never heard the show before. I haven't been in Columbus for about 2 years now, but when I was I listened to 103.9 FM Talk, I believe that is what it was.
  23. Nope. Ohio Card is to be used at the Parent's discretion for any "food" item. Can buy Soda, Chips, Snacks, etc... And like someone previously said, the corner stores are the worst, they don't ring anything up, and put it all on the Ohio Card. When I lived in German Village, I would go to the Liquor Store on Parsons, since it was close by. I would see people using their Direction Card, to buy all kinds of crazy shit. My buddy dated a girl who actually needed foodstamps, she cleaned houses, had a kid, and was going to school. They would use the Direction card to buy shit for cookouts, and everything else. It is similar to a Flex Spending card, if you have ever had one of those, comes with x dollars pre-loaded, when you ring it up it goes into a classification type of system at the register. Flex Spending can only pay for certain "Healthcare" items. Of course both can be audited at any time, but why would the state audit the money they are handing out?
  24. NPR is some of the worst talk radio.
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