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Everything posted by kshymkiw83

  1. Not that, I think this is good, but since you are selling it, and profiting off of it, wouldn't you have to pay Royalties to Billy Joel, since Piano Man, was his song? I don't believe you can sell someone else's musical composition without compensating them, would sound like a copyright violation. On top of that, the concept of the song was horrible, the singer was horrible, the harmonica was off. Stuff like this would have been "cool" about 10-15 years ago maybe.
  2. Even Snopes admits he has an 042 SSN, which the 040-049 range is registered to Connecticut. I don't recall when he was ever in Connecticut.
  3. Jared - 623-6255 Repairs and Sells used Washers/Dryers as his job. Tell him Kevin sent you.
  4. It is hell on windshields too. Everyone has a cracked windshield here
  5. Up in Alaska, we use gravel and sand. No salt. Salt doesn't work in extremely cold weather.
  6. Very well could be. So the common thought being the additives we put in our food, products, water, etc.... along with longer lifespan causes us to have higher cancer rates than country's who lack these things?
  7. I understand math. Explain if you feel I don't. You can respond with more than one line.
  8. 92% were minor 8% were serious. This is out of 35 million doses. So if you gave everyone in the US the shot, 24 Million people will have a serious reaction. 8% of the population would have a serious reaction.
  9. So essentially, it is a $1300 test, to see if you carry a specific gene? You rarely get vaccinated, but how much did your parents vaccinate you?
  10. To some degree, yes. my 2nd question being, How does a country as developed as ours, lead the way in cancer rates?
  11. 68 deaths that occured after taking a vaccine is in fact questionable to me, on a system that is solely contribute if you want to. You can't just say, if something works for 92% of the population then it is okay. The population according to the 2010 Census was 308 Million People. If 8% had serious reactions, that would be 24 Million People. Sounds a lot different then. So if 8% of everyone getting it is suffering a serious side affect, is it worth it? Even with the CDC numbers you are still talking about 18k people who had a SERIOUS side affect. Those serious side affects. 8 out of every 100 will have a serious side affect. That doesn't sound very safe to me.
  12. How much did that test cost you? If you don't mind me asking, and if you don't mind sharing?
  13. I only drink water, that has gone through Reverse Osmosis, and been filtered. I grow all my own vegetables, etc.... It has also been shown, we as humans don't need meat to survive. I am no vegan, but you can get just as much protein from beans, as you can with meat. Yes we do, do you think it helps accelerate the growth of said cancers? If you receive over 200 vaccines in your life, and each one of them contained a bit of mercury, how does that affect you over a 100 year life span?
  14. Very serious. Do people accept certain conditions, in effect to live longer? Is Cancer just 'one of those things' because we are living longer? You mean the HPV Vaccine? There are some good numbers on Cervical Cancer out there, that don't really sway me on the HPV Vaccine. Giving it to 12 year old girls is rather silly, when HPV goes away on it's own, 90% of the time. Most Cervical Cancer comes to a woman after she is 50. There is very few cases of documented cervical cancer in women under 30, which is all the vaccine protects you until. Plus with the documented 18k cases of side effects, I would pass if my daughter was asked to get it. http://www.cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/vaccines/hpv/gardasil.html (CDC reports on Gardasil) VAERS is also a "Self Participate" reporting system, it is up to the physician/patient to participate.
  15. If you look at it like that, then Heart Disease, such a vague phrase, is the real issue. Why are our hearts failing at such an alarming rate?
  16. Why would you want to live longer? If the human body as a whole was not made to last 100 years, why would you want it to last that long? Is society as a whole so fearing of death? Agreed to some degree. Animals don't go around just consuming these heavy metals either. You obviously can't just breathe in a heavy metal. Somewhere down the line, something had to consume it, to start it's way up the food chain. As well, almost all vaccinations have mercury, or some other heavy metal in them, fwiw. Then where do we get the higher rates of cancer? If it isn't the additives in food, isn't the higher rate of vaccination, etc... Are we genetically more disposed to it? It still doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me, hence why I asked on CR. I figured someone in the medical field would have a better understanding than me, and could fill me in.
  17. Thanks again for the comedic satire. I will be sure to direct all my future questions directly to you.
  18. How did I imply that? I saw a map on the news this morning, and thought it was a valid question. The old notion is "The only stupid question, is the one not asked".
  19. You could assume it is a postivie, but look at the millions of people struggling with this 'disease' everyday. Doesn't one start to look at the numbers, and go 'what are we doing wrong?' Why would one want to inject heavy metals to being with? So should we start eating better foods, that aren't processed and full of chemicals? Very true. Just odd, that the most developed countries have the highest rates of cancer.
  20. But look at Japan and Singapore. Longest life expectancy, and while it is bunched in with "Eastern Asia" their Cancer Rate is almost half of what the USA's is. And the types of cancers we seem to get at higher rates. Eastern Asia is Lung, Stomach, Liver, Colon North America is Lung, Breast, Prostate, Colon.
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