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Everything posted by kshymkiw83

  1. Do you think it is smoking something itself, or the additives that are put into the smokes? Plenty of people all around the world, smoke various things, and don't suffer from as much cancer.
  2. While I appreciate your satire, I would argue that evidence has shown that Vaccination has been around since before the birth of christ. The Chinese were shown to be vaccinating people at that time. Let me rephrase this for everyone then..... 'Why are the most developed countries, suffering from the highest cancer rates?"
  3. Not looking for anything specific. I think it is a fair 'generalized' type of question. Lets leave Africa out of it. Lets look at Western Asia and South/Central America. The lifespan in these countries is much longer than the lifespan in central Africa, yet the Cancer rate is still less than half of what we see in NA, AUS, NZL, which are the 3 most heavily vaccinated areas in the world. Would you suggest it is the food, lifestyle, or what? One could then argue that the food we produce here, is supposed to be up to a 'higher standard' and safer for us, than what others in the world are eating. That is of course why we have the FDA. What about our Food and Lifestyle do you think? The FDA is supposed to mark all of our food safe. I would think the numbers for a developed country like ours should be way down, regardless of age. Herpes doesn't kill, and there isn't a vaccine for it. I am not taking any stance, other than someone seeking answers, to numbers that look entirely wrong. I could see the lifespan argument coming into play, but these numbers still seem to be out of whack. Plenty of these cases are children also suffering from cancer(s). I am just curious why the most developed countries, have the highest rate of cancer. Maybe I should phrase it that way? "Why do the most developed countries in the world, have the highest rate of cancer?"
  4. http://info.cancerresearchuk.org/prod_consump/groups/cr_common/@nre/@sta/documents/generalcontent/cr_043265.pdf According to this map, the highest rates of cancer occur in the areas that vaccinate their people the most. According to most people I talk to, vaccines are supposed to be good for you, and prevent issues. This map seems to indicate something entirely opposite. Question is, Why is cancer more common in countries that vaccinate their people more? Why are developed countries getting more and more cancer, but in Africa, where you can't even see a doctor, the cancer rate is HALF of what it is in a developed country?
  5. Place in Grove City called "Hot Dawgs" http://hot-dawgs.com/ 3 1lb hotdogs "Dawg Pound". http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/320137_10150289625807554_170111587553_8343625_1321305858_n.jpg That is one of them. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Hot-Dawgs/170111587553 If you have the stomach for it, you can try the Melt challenge, you won't shit for a week though. The bread they use on them is killer. They use a really thick bread, that is really dense. I would say the bread alone is about 2 inches thick.
  6. Acer includes a printer, Digital Phone Handset, and a monitor. The Apple is 2399 + 499 for the 15" Monitor. Which puts the Apple at right about 3k. Then another 379 dollars for the printer. So, Apple was still over priced back then. Buy the Acer for 2399 out the door with everything, or 3297 for the Apple.
  7. Apple still overpriced their computers then too.
  8. Unless your Ron Paul. Who has publicly rejected his pension from serving in Congress.
  9. You think that is bad... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46sLzLtNJu4&feature=player_embedded Listen to how the "Republicans" bash Ron Paul. The guy wins the California Straw Poll, and all they can say is "He has a personal vendetta against Perry"
  10. Depends on what you are looking for. If you are looking for a simple e-reader with great battery life, then the Kindle is better. If you want something in between an e-reader and a tablet, then the Nook Color is better.
  11. Meh, just read the first line of your post, where it says Civic.
  12. That is a CRX dude....not a Civic Hatch.
  13. The plane was built in 1993, which for an aircraft is VERY young. The Jackets fly on a plane built in the 70's.
  14. http://www.sportsdaily.ru/pictures/items/0011/4243/IMG_8652_s.jpg That is a picture of him when he arrived to the hospital. something like 80 or 90 percent of his body was covered in 3rd degree burns. His upper respitory system had 3rd degree burns as well
  15. http://achicksperspective.wordpress.com/2011/09/07/reality-check/ This is insane. I don't know how I would handle that. Would be tough.
  16. I know there are some hockey fans on here, and I didn't see anything posted. The KHL team Lokomotiv Yaroslavl was involved in a plane crash yesterday, and the entire team was on board. All but 1 player died in the crash, to include all the coaches as well. http://en.khl.ru/news/2011/9/7/24152.html Very sad day, there were a few greats on that plane. Pavol Demitra, Karlis Skrastins, Ruslan Salei, Bob McRimmon, etc...
  17. No, it has been that way every time I go there. Like I said, it is great novelty, just like Thurmans.
  18. Glad I am not the only person who seems to think this way.
  19. Correct. It is in Ohio City/Lakewood area.
  20. Also - if you are out on the Westside - just go into Westside Market. It is like a 100000% better version of the North Market.
  21. If you want some good Pizza up here, I would suggest Guys Pizza. They have the most authentic Deep Dish Pizza I have seen in Ohio. It is about 3-4 inches deep, 5 toppings to fill it, and 3 Cheeses on top. A medium is only 15 bucks, and can feed me for 3 days.
  22. No it doesn't. There is a 1 hour or more wait at Thurman's too. The food is mediocre there as well. Melt is a great novelty, don't get me wrong......but the food is mediocre at best. I just went there this past weekend. Ordered an Appetizer, 2 Sandwhiches, and some beers with my wife. We never got the Appetizer, never charged either 1 Sandwhich was wrong (these things take 30 minutes to cook, so it is a long ass wait to get it redone) The only thing done right was the beer. I have been there about a dozen times, because every time someone visits me from Columbus, they have to go to Melt. It is like the Thurman's of grilled cheese sandwhiches.
  23. We just had to send my mother in law about 500 bucks, because she is a moron. Can't balance a checkbook....she doesn't get that just because the store hasn't cashed the check, she doesn't have the money. She also thought she should stop paying her mortgage to catch up on her other bills. So my wife and I got stuck buying her little brothers school supplies and clothes this year. Then on top of that had to send her mom 500 bucks, to cover her rent, and shit.
  24. Melt is like Thurmans.....great novelty, terrible service, mediocre food. The one in Cleveland Heights, is about 3 blocks away from me.
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