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Everything posted by supldys

  1. DJ: Team DJ, hands down great Place: Franklin Park Conservatory, great place, they do A LOT and save you a lot of trouble in the long run, but can get pricey and you have to have cameron mitchell catering Cake: The Cake Cottage was reasonably priced for a nice cake, and it looked amazing...but got the order wrong on the inside layers, so take what you will. Catering: Cameron Mitchells, amazing but expensive Photographer: Do not go to journal weddings, great pictures, but trying to get our albums now is a PITA. Every month hes telling us to wait another month, about to get some legal counsel on that one. And its really expensive
  2. supldys

    What To Buy?

    Get the PS3, it will give hours more of fun then wheels will. Plus its a blu-ray player
  3. Hey at least Oklahoma is the biggest BCS bummers now. They now have lost 3 NC games, with one being the 55-19 crushing a few years ago. Maybe they'll quit ragging on us so much now
  4. wow, double post without even hitting thebutton, never seen that happen. Oh yeah and bob and tom suck
  5. every hour you will hear nirvana and guns n roses. It must be in their contract or something
  6. I only watched the last 3 mins before the half, that was pretty good until florida intercepted. Then I left the bar...nothing to do with the game I just was already leaving. Moral of the story, no interest in watching this game since I didnt want to hear 4 hours of florida ass-kissing and I knew theyd win and itd be a boring game. Guess I was right. Utah should be #1 I think.
  7. Good decision on his part, I just hope he gets picked by a decent team where he'll actually get some playing time. With that said I cant wait to see what Boom does next year, I thought he looked hella impressive this year.
  8. So did the big three CEOs, but they're still getting some. Hell, I see their point, it is a big business...but I'd never vote for it
  9. My buddy Jones was a trainer there...yeah its a hell of a workout
  10. OSU, but only because I have to pay for it in tuition, otherwise it is damn expensive. But they do have a lot of facilities and a lot of equipment. Plus whenever classes start up its always crowded as shit for a few weeks until all the fatties realize its not worth the trouble and go back to the twinkies and diet coke.
  11. Troy is actually pretty damn good, but the ravens decided that going 9/23 with no touchdowns, or 4/15 with 2 interceptions with a rookie quarterback was a better idea. But as long as the ravens keep winning from their defense, flacco is going to keep getting his nuts licked. And whoever said boeckman is horrible needs to try again. I guess in college football if you don't scramble then you're a shitty quarterback...
  12. Right, because anyone would want to live near a giant burning hole in the ground. Should have just tried to get what you could
  13. supldys

    Sugar Bowl

    Just wait until next year, did you see that lineman they're getting? Fluker I think it was. 6'7" and 350 lbs, out of high school! Haha they said he was a 12lb baby.
  14. supldys

    Sugar Bowl

    worst.bowl.season.ever Ole miss whooped TTU too, freaking pathetic. Still only 3 teams have won that I wanted too. BUT All that matters is the bucks
  15. Deathrace was amazing. and side note, who all have seen the original? Fucking weird ass, cheesy movie, but fun to watch them run people over for points.
  16. I disagree, a lot of people thought penn state could do it. Plus I like the auto tie ins
  17. You are correct, but I hope it doesn't change in the big 10. I watch college football for the fun and the tradition. I hate the way the SEC and USC play, USC plays like its NFL football, but these are kids in college they shouldnt already be worn out when they get to the next level. Plus the reason for college is to learn and grow, not to be football 24 hours a day. And you dont go scouting other big schools for transfers, save that for the kids that really just want to leave their school. The SEC just play like assholes, the coaches whine and complain all game and the teams are the most penalized. It honestly seems like the coaches teach their players to perform these fouls so that it works in their favor if they get away with it.
  18. Winter goes until like may now, werent you around last year? Winter is here, just no snow. I cant wait to start moving around next year
  19. Thats exactly why I wish our home game vs USC next year was played in november. But Im not sure how much of a difference it would make, USC plays a completely different kind of football, sure it beats the big10 everytime, but they also lose to same crap pac-10 team everyyear. I'm almost wondering if they choke every year on purpose, so that they can get their home bowl game and not have to play a tough team in the NC and risk losing (Think texas) Because as long as they win, while ranked high, they could still be the AP national champions and herbstreit will still lick their nuts
  20. supldys

    Orange Bowl

    That game started out ok, I dont know what happened to cincy by the end. Only 2 teams i've wanted to win so far this year have won, its a pretty disappointg bowl season. At least some of them have been close, good games.
  21. Penn st at least put up 17 pts in the second half, which shut everyone up about USC's 2nd half shutouts. PSU actually mounted a little bit of a come back in the 2nd half, but you could tell they knew they already lost and werent really trying that hard. On the other hand USC continues to keep their starters in the whole game to rack up the score, 4th quarter and sanchez has 405 yds...put him back in! That is part of why i cant stand watching usc football, its too much like nfl...and I dont like watching nfl football
  22. would you sell the guitar hero stuff seperate?
  23. bump, I need to find a few games too
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