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Everything posted by supldys

  1. What? ELF? freakin-tree huggers. I know Obama doesn't track all his contributions, so he's my guess.
  2. Absolutely not pandering, because I believe our taxes should be lower anyways. And without a doubt those people should be punished for breaking the law, everyone needs to continue paying their taxes. But rather than just throw more money at the system, lets try and make it work.
  3. supldys

    Obama Supporters

    I like how its a 2007 reprint, like he didn't even get a copy until Billary or whoever called him out on it. I wonder what he did before that? Its not even freakin notarized either
  4. What you described is using threats to create a non-event, any country with a respectably sized military does that. Terrorism is a bit different, its non-state actors employing threats (and they usually have to act out on those threats to be feared) in an effort to make radical changes to social, political, or religious systems. Its considered unconventional warfare, like suicide or guerilla tactics, and it generally targets weak, internal, or civilian targets rather than any military targets (Because they're F-ing pussies that cant fight a real fight)
  5. I dont get it, are fable and fallout MMO's? If not are they like KOTOR or something?
  6. Hey Dan Quayle, its Potato +1 for salt and vinegar
  7. Of course people in the low bracket cheat less, they have absolutely no incentive to cheat. IF they even pay taxes, they're not going to make much by cheating, therefore the punishment of being caught is a lot worse. If you make more, there is a much bigger incentive to cheat to save even more of your own money. If taxes were lower there would be less of an incentive to cheat. If they get caught, they claim ignorance and just pay back taxes...the same money they've been making interest off of by keeping it. The only way to slow this is to remove the incentive. Either UP the penalty and investigations, or DOWN the taxes. We know what way McCain wants, lower taxes. We know what way Obama wants, UP the taxes. This creates more of an incentive to cheat, therefore Obama must put more money into investigating fraud. You pick
  8. I hate live wire, Code Red is where its at
  9. No, the only time it hurts your credit is when you have too many credit cards open. so just don't keep all 5 or 6 or whatever credit cards. They don't get mad at you for finding a better deal. Now if after that year you stop making a payment, and then transfer...yeah thats bad
  10. I freakin love the ps3, more good games than I can afford and plays ps2 games, dvds, and blu-ray. Great deal for the money
  11. Of course it was sold at a loss! A brand new jet was sold used on ebay, the problem is that the last governor bought the damn thing! So the other plane is out for maintenance a lot, is it a shitty plane or are you trying to say its some kind of conspiracy, ooooo! If I could fly alaskan airlines I would to... http://images.icanhascheezburger.com/completestore/2008/10/22/128691884503563767.jpg
  12. Thats because they don't want you to form a union. If unions were outlawed, theres a good chance a lot of employers would tell people to fuck themselves.
  13. not just tax policies, his health care plan too.
  14. Is it so bad that her family travels with her? She has children dude And you don't seem to care that the former governor bought their own private jet, then palin sold it and put that money back in, so if you ask me she saved the taxpayers money.
  15. What? I didn't vote for this thread
  16. no I had already thrown them away, but i'm sure you're right. But thats more reason that people endorsing either candidate need to shut up when they don't know what they're talking about
  17. Oh come on, the only other democrat nominee from illinois was stevenson in the 50's, but who the heck was going to vote against eisenhower? He couldn't even win illinois in either election
  18. http://ohiodailyblog.com/content/strickland-brown-and-coleman-denounce-mccain-robocall-smears First Colin Powell endorses obama because of McCain's negative campaigning. Now 3 elected officials find time in their day (obviously not too busy working on state and local issues) to denounce mccain's negative campaigning. Yet I come home to 1 flyer about Ayers being a terrorist and being friends with obama. and 5 DIFFERENT flyers about McCain voting against the violence against women act, against equal rights and pay for women, and even supporting violence against women. Are you kidding me?? He's the one with a woman on the ticket, and I haven't seen cindy with a black eye yet either, she must keep her mouth shut huh obama? And its no surprise that Biden helped write the VAWA and then it was overturned by the supreme court for being unconstitutional and violating privacy rights. Hey democrats, quit bitching about sticking to the issues, and stick to the F-ing issues. *obviously not all democrats (I agree with some) just the ones that don't even realize what they're doing*
  19. I wondered where all the communists went after the fall of the soviet union...apparently they made it to the DNC
  20. Yeah thats old news. But remember its the flyers, they boo anything. I think the article I read said they even booed santa claus. I also heard tons of cheering too, so eh...take it as you want
  21. god damn, isn't ammunition expensive enough as is. All i have now is 22's so that I can afford to shoot someone if they break into my house
  22. There are those sears dentist places, I think they're usually in malls, but they should be open on sunday. Check the phone book. I jsut had a root canal done at OSU but their emergency clinic doesnt open until monday morning
  23. it started out freaky and crazy, and ended up stupid. I couldnt stand all his lame attempts at telling us that its not whats killing us, but that we're just killiing ourselves. Although that old lady was freakin crazy
  24. as long as we have race brought up. What would be the outcome of someone hanging or burning or whatever, Barack Obama in effigy? Something people have done in the past to simply say they're pissed off would have a whole new meaning, at least to dems that claim everything is racist.
  25. I heard about this guy this morning. The rep to western PA, and calls the people who voted him in racist. What an idiot. comng from someone born in western PA, I hope he never gets re-elected to anything and the people tar and feather him
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