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Everything posted by supldys

  1. supldys


    If a poll doesnt give you the exact question they asked, don't even bother caring. Some break it down and say whats the biggest problem in the country?(economy, national security, etc.) Then who do you think can best handle it? Then they infer that that isa vote for that candidate, which is usually only done by the little crap polls. Gallup is usually good, theyve been doing it awhile. and I think American research group is the other good one, i cant remember. heres a good site with all the different polls http://www.pollingreport.com/wh08gen2.htm Avoid any polls that aren't telephone polls. Online polls and street corner polls only get the people that come by. But telephone polls also only cater to those that have a home phone, are home when the phone rings, and have the time to take the survey. the key is random sampling, thats what makes the mathematic part work with the small population and the MoE. The best way is to take that random sample of say 1200, multiple times of different populations, then find the average.
  2. venezuela does not pump out enough oil to even think about adjusting the oil price on its own, only saudi arabia can do that. That means if the price stays the same and production drops, thats less cash in the pocket
  3. Fixed, and yes this happens every tuesday and thursday for me at OSU
  4. I think it has to be an amendment because I think theres wording in the state constitution that stops gambling, so no law could overturn it without amending it. But I may be totally making that up
  5. Dont get me wrong, I'd be saying the same thing if this was McCain. I think its just ridiculous that he has enough money to not only have his own channel on basic satellite service, but to buy primetime slots on 2 major networks. I have never seen anything like that before. If our economy is so bad then people need to quit sending shitloads of it to either Ahole candidate.
  6. Fox, hottest girl money can buy. Yeah she's had like every possible surgery done to her, but hell I guess it works
  7. He has his own channel too, the obama channel. Im not blaming him, although I am pissed that people feel they need to give THAT much to a candidate. What I'm saying is there are no limits, he's got enough money right now to do whatever he wants. So he gets in office, he's going to continue wanting to spend and spend, that means he'll be askiing congress to raise more taxes, create more government programs, and inflate all the ones that already exits so he can accomplish all the plans he's proposing.
  8. if he somehow manages to get elected http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/27107689 Buying primetime slots on both CBS and NBC, $3.3million in ads in one day, over $90million in ads by election day. Glad to know he doesnt care how much money is spent, and he would probably take that attitude into the white house. Hello more government spending
  9. supldys

    Debate 2.0

    Iraq = War on Terror, not War on 9/11
  10. according to the Obama campaign, they don't track contributions under $200 because they dont have to. So if he did contriute $200 we wouldnt know, or if he contributed $200 a lot...we still may not know. *sarcasm coming* And yeah I totally forgot how patriotic and supporting of America our universities are. Columbia doesn't have a ROTC program, its not because they just don't have one, its because they refuse to have one. But yet they don't mind having the Iranian president come speak. So I wouldn't put it past any school to get a political activist to teach about, well, political activism. His "distinguished professor" tag is completely subjective
  11. supldys

    Debate 2.0

    I'm so glad to come here and not hear a bunch of bitching about the "that one" comment. because apparently Obama didn't have any sarcastic comments either *sarcasm*. Anyone who thinks that one was a racist comment is an idiot. What I enjoyed was Obama saying this crisis is making it hard for businesses to get loans to pay for payroll and create jobs. Because I'm sure businesses love borrowing money to pay people. But yet he's against lowering taxes for companies making over $250,000 a year because then its just abuse. His Democrat rhetoric is so carried away now that he doesn't even listen to what he says anymore. How about you let companies keep the money they make to pay people, wow a rising economy and jobs, who woulda thunk it.
  12. Economic Left/Right: 3.50 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 3.23 Not really around anyone
  13. Funny, that sounds like what I yell at every single politician in existance. GET TO THE POINT and give me some specifics! Doesnt surprise me that couric pushes it with a gop though
  14. Thats what I got the wife, she loves it. I always hit the mag release though because its under the trigger and I have fat fingers. It also jams a lot. But, its cheap, light, and did I mention cheap?
  15. http://vote.franklincountyohio.gov/current-election.cfm
  16. Is it still there? Its been closed when I go and noone ever answers the phone...plus the website doesnt work anymore
  17. Just wondering what else is going to be on the ballot this year besides the obvious national elections. They gonna give repealing the smoking ban another try?
  18. RegularStormy Usually on ncaa or cod4, but ive got gta4 too
  19. whats the best emu? I've tried them in the past and theres always something that doesnt work right
  20. Pistols and rifles, don't really care about distance at this point, getting the wife into shooting the little .22's that are in the closet I know the nearby indoor ones, but I can't remember where the outdoor ones are that I went to as a kid. any ideas?
  21. Jan. 20th...well depending who gets elected
  22. That, and none of the plays went deep. They kept everything infront of the defense and therefore they could just load the box up even more
  23. I just dug a hole... honestly, it actually looks really nice, the outside is raised slightly and lined with bricks
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