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Everything posted by excell

  1. 3800 Series II is plenty reliable at 650HP and I don't think much more expensive than any other engine to get there (cheaper than many imports probably). I've personally built two that did it on a stock L67 bottom end with 100K+ -- one supercharged and one turbocharged -- plus worked with tons of others that did way more with wilder setups. If you're keeping it in a FWD car, holding the power is what's expensive. I don't recommend it.
  2. Memories. I could get that pic back if I wanted...
  3. 6psi :lolguy: So much more there.
  4. I'm better looking. :nws:
  5. Both. Internet is really bad, but I can't take a phone call most of the way between Pittsburgh and Toledo (except when in the vicinity of Cleveland and Youngstown), for example. Same with the trip to DC. You have signal, just not reliable service. I generally hold hour or longer conversations to when I do a drive like that, helps pass the time, but I just can't do it anymore on T-Mobile. Calls drop way too frequently. I was driving to Toledo a few weeks ago and the call dropped every three or four minutes, I gave up after 6 tries.
  6. It does roam to AT&T (at least, I've seen it once in the mountains between Pittsburgh and DC) but I need more than that 50mb of data.
  7. I just switched to T-Mobile after being with Verizon for at least the last 10 years. I do not like Verizon's corporate policy of modifying TCP traffic to insert a specific ID into *every* web request you make so advertisers can target you exactly. It's fucking shady. In cities, T-Mobile is great. Outside of cities, the service is TERRIBLE. I drive between Pittsburgh and DC, Youngstown, Columbus, and Cleveland/Toledo and I'm lucky to get edge for 70% of the trip and it's not fast enough to stream even NPR most of the time. Really disappointing. There are large gaps with no service. I'm considering picking up and AT&T prepaid SIM just for city to city travel. However, I believe in voting with my dollar and REFUSE to support Verizon's traffic modifying. It's worth it to me.
  8. Dad and I used to go there. It was a huge electronics store, but set up with theme rooms and shit to showcase the wares. Fry's meets Disney World.
  9. Hate the front grille and rear "RTR" panel. Otherwise, thumbs up.
  10. I'll bet that car is ridiculously repeatable. Bracket racing superstar. I know someone who bracket races a Prius and absolutely slays the field. It really fucks up big nuts racers when they have to wait nearly 10 seconds to start their run...
  11. Yes. Burning out street tires is pointless. Slicks have a different compound that gets stickier when warm, so a moderate burnout to warm them up is good. When drag racing on street tires a quick spin to remove gravel/dirt/etc. is all that's needed.
  12. MailChimp is great, but they will be absolute sticklers to the quality of your list and my guess is they probably won't let you send unless you prove that everyone on the list has opted in. Constant Contact is not as easy to use as MailChimp, but they're more... relaxed about list quality. Either way, send your email from an email other than the main one you use for business. If you send to the list directly through a mail merge/Outlook from your primary email as suggested, you run a high risk of having your email address blacklisted for spam. This is automated now, it doesn't even take a lot of spam flags/reports to land on a list, then most folks you email won't get your mail or it will go to their spam folders. I'd highly suggest against sending to a list that large from your actual email address.
  13. BYD has a long way to go. They're essentially 90's Kia quality right now. My cousin had an early 90's Kia sedan... the door fell off. Just straight fell the fuck off. It was nearly new! Though, now look at Kia... maybe we'll all be driving Chinese cars in 20 years?
  14. I don't know about that. I've embedded a sound clip of the Tesla into this post. 11's that sound like this is pretty impressive to me.
  15. That's what I was thinking. The Tesla did an 11.68 at almost 115mph. That's not slouching.
  16. It wasn't a bad looking car until oh, boy, that fake front grille. My jaw about hit the floor when it came around with a big plastic fake front end.
  17. P.S. The GT completely slapped the NSX's dick in. On opening day there were few people at the NSX, the GT was mobbed. Could barely get near it. 'MERICA.
  18. In person it looked better than I expected. I wasn't convinced, but Ford also had a classic GT and the 2000's GT nearby and after seeing all three together I was satisfied. I only wish the front end/headlights were a little more classic GT'ish, a touch too Ferrari for my taste.
  19. Definitely age. Just wait until we cross the line into anal fissures, hemorrhoids, psoriasis, etc. http://logocache.com/logos/logo-name/Ben-designstyle-candy-m.png
  20. http://www.picgifs.com/name-graphics/b/ben/name-graphics-ben-774596.gif
  21. You're missing out. Get the Thurmanator. If you go when they open at 11 you usually won't wait.
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