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Everything posted by excell

  1. excell


    In DC, it's 70 degrees and cloudless. I'm grilling sausages. So suck it Ohio. But it's also politically volatile. Volatile. Cloudless. Suck it. Suck. Political sausages
  2. excell

    And I lol'd.

    I need glow in the dark undergarments. To accent my tiny penis. Tiny. Penis. penis
  3. excell

    And I lol'd.

    At this: http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/album.php?albumid=723&pictureid=5935 which just came up in the header. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=723&pictureid=5935 What the heck is this? :lolguy:
  4. That's funny. Doing a 50 next weekend, century by end of April if I can help it.
  5. Some of the things?
  6. http://i.qkme.me/36k41y.jpg
  7. I haven't been to Columbus since December. We visited the 28th-30th, so not a lot of time. :/
  8. Then my work here is done.:gabe:
  9. Any issues today, y'all?
  10. I bought a Cervelo S1 w/ 105's in September. I lust it. It's amazingly quick. :bikesyoupedal:
  11. By the way I have a car again. A well abused 2004 Grand Prix CompG that I nearly overheated to death because I forgot the right way to fill and bleed the coolant system. I was drinking beer then too. I remembered quickly. It's orange. And already been hit three times at least... DC drivers are bad.
  12. Took about 2 hours longer than I wanted... but I've been drinking beer all day so... :dumb:
  13. I've been drinking for like 3 hours while I config the new CR server. KEKEKEKEKEKEKEKE
  14. CR is going down in a few minutes. We're moving to a new house. I know you'll all die, but super-serial it'll be fine. Go outside. Drink some beer. You will be fine. Super serial. Love, Me. (see you in about 12 hours) :fuckyeah:
  15. The shard is sweet, but the artifact looks awesome! Is that blade on the artifact replaceable?
  16. I can't trade because I don't need a car where I'm going.
  17. Make me an offer, I need to move this week.
  18. Love to Jesse, but they aren't for me. I won't be in Columbus anymore.
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