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Everything posted by excell

  1. Yep. Thank the trooper's union for saving his job.
  2. excell

    Lawn Mowing Service

    +1. Does my house. He's really fucking cute to boot.
  3. FWIW, in the case of the unionized trooper, his credibility in court is pretty much shot for a while. I'm sure most judges will be hard pressed to convict if he's the charging officer.
  4. I think I'm gonna let him back in.
  5. Now this could be a different story entirely. If you made less than $600, you can be paid without claiming anything on either side. If it's over that $600 level you either need to be W2 (employee) or 1099 (contractor). As a W2, the company is required to withhold your taxes for you and pay the employer portion of Medicare (which effectively raises your pay rate even though you don't see the money now). As a 1099, you're responsible to withhold your taxes AND pay the employer part of Medicare - to put it another way, you're self-employed. In the case of being 1099, you should speak to an accountant to make sure you're withholding enough taxes to cover yourself. Now, as far as the reduction in pay is concerned, that was shady. If you were a W2 I could see it since their costs would increase in covering your Medicare, but they're attempting to 1099 you and that line about making more money this way is bullshit. While your checks will be bigger, you'll now owe MORE in taxes because you need to pay the employer part of Medicare and the burden of withholding falls on you. If anything, they should increase your pay if they're going to 1099 or they should just W2 and suck it up. Apologies if I frightened you with my first post. Your post was worded in such a way that it sounded like they were converting you from W2 to 1099.
  6. I'm sure it's easier to sell knives and lower-end guns without raising a great deal of suspicion. The couple AR's they got were probably for themselves.
  7. Or in the very least spend a couple hundred bucks and have a couple lines internalized and buried. Seriously. There are about 400 ways they could have engineered their security better and now there are 35 guns in the hands of who the fuck knows? Great fucking job.
  8. http://www.10tv.com/live/content/local/stories/2009/08/21/story_guns_stolen.html?type=rss&cat=&sid=102 Uh, holy shit. What kind of weakass security system did they have?
  9. If farts cause cancer I'm FUCKED!
  10. We didn't have buses in my high school. Know what I did? I got up and rode my fat ass on a bike. In the winter I took the COTA bus. Whip them kids.
  11. Forcing you to be 1099 to dodge taxes is FUCKING ILLEGAL. Call the department/board of labor relations and the IRS. You could royally fuck yourself with the city, state, and IRS. Seriously, this could be very bad for you.
  12. excell


    I had a friend bring his kid over to my house a couple years ago. When he took him to the bathroom he pee'd all over my wall. He told me, cleaned it up, we had a good laugh. I didn't care. I would have been a little more upset if he wouldn't have told me. His kid to this day still calls me "Chris Green pee on wall." Hah.
  13. Damn dude, that's pretty sick. You were 189 in that picture?
  14. Okay so at first I was like then I was like :ninja: and then... I :grin2::funny:
  15. I'd say go independent. If I didn't *really* like my trainer so much, someone with your skills sounds like a perfect fit for me. If you can market yourself, there are a lot of guys (and some girls) looking for a bodybuilder. IMO, at the YMCA downtown where I go, we don't have enough trainers that are bodybuilders. But like you said, in a place like that I'm definitely in the minority. My wife trains there too and she would be hesitant to have a bodybuilder trainer. And yea, post a pic. No homo. Okay, well maybe a little homo. No seriously, I'd enjoy seeing how you look.
  16. I've always been a generic buyer, and I certainly try harder to find deals now, but I'd say if anything we've spent more this year on frivolous stuff than most. However, we're also doing more for our retirement savings than ever before. Admittedly, we could be doing better on our regular savings but we have saved quite a bit there too. At the same time, we're saving money making our own cleaning supplies and much of the things we eat. Example, I eat copious amounts of granola so I now I buy the ingredients and make it myself. I also eat a ton of natural yogurt, I'm getting ready to try making my own. Neither is born from the recession, we are doing it because we want to be more natural and "greener" - this was always the plan, even before it got popular to be "green".
  17. I'm there for a little while. Not racing, though.
  18. Ray, you're a classic example of how to do this correctly. You have a great looking car that runs right and runs well and you spend the time and money to know it. Kudos, man.
  19. Wah wah wah let me follow you around the forum and bring up something completely unrelated to this thread from two days ago wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  20. FWIW the pic of the black car doesn't do it justice - it was *beautiful*.
  21. Camaro owner: BUDWEISER! T/A owner: NO, BUD SELECT! Camaro owner: BUDWEISER! T/A owner: BUD SELECT!!! Oh, and that "T/A" is uglier than a mud fence.
  22. I... did not know he was going!:eek2:
  23. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo you can't sell it!
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