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Everything posted by excell

  1. Or you'll send pinion parts to the moon. It's an Fbody, they're the prince of breaking shit in unexpected ways. OIL DOWN!
  2. It matters to me as a race enthusiast. I'll virtual nut kick you just for the asking, fruit cake.
  3. If you oil-down the track, expect a CR-style virtual nut kick so hard your mother will feel it. I'm not fucking with you.
  4. I see "blah blah blah 25lbs of actual weight loss blah blah blah traction problems blah blah blah soon to be other excuses blah blah blah" the only race between you and Anthony I see is the race to make the first excuse why their car won't pull a sick whore off a piss pot.
  5. Check out Bluenile.com - always a better than expected experience when I've bought there. I know a lot about diamonds, if you have questions lay them on me.
  6. Damn Chad, if I wasn't knee deep in work last night I would have seen this. I have one if you need it still.
  7. A brief synopsis of a few AAA calls: - Racing at Norwalk. VRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOMMMMMM*snap* Oh shit broke sprag in transaxle. Trailer? Dn'have truck and trailer yet! Step 1: Call AAA "Hi oh shit broke car at race track." AAA: "Sir comes get you." Step 2: Drink beer. Step 3: 35 min later flatbed. Little beep beep, little tow hook, car on way home. Share beer with truck driver. Plops car in garage without touching, I'm drunk go to bed. - 3AM. I-70 in BFE between Dayton and Columbus. Towing a car on a flatbed with an F250. Oh shit out of gas. Step 1: Call AAA "Hi oh shit out of gas help plzkthkx?" AAA: "Sir gas comes wait4u." Step 2: Nap now k. Step 3: 25 min later gas comes, truck vroom. Kthkxbye to sleepy rescue truck driver. - 1PM. Dad calls from work. Oh shit starter broke. Step 1: Chastise Dad no AAA, stupid Dad. Step 2: Call AAA "Hi oh shit starter broke tow4Dad?" AAA: "Sir bail out Dad ass." Step 3: 45 min later Dad ass bailed, car towed. Step 4: Buy Dad AAA for his birthday. You can clearly see a AAA membership is worth the money. I have a "plus" or gold or whatever. KTHXBYE!!!
  8. http://browngrrrl.files.wordpress.com/2009/06/babyoil.jpg and beat it until it turns green and falls off.
  9. Go motherfucking Boise State! Too bad they don't play any more quality opponents. I'd love to see them play a huge team like USC at home.
  10. Yikes, very sorry to hear that.
  11. Yea that pretty much ended the thread. Coaches shouldn't pull a Hillary Clinton.
  12. 3 of my 7 guys have, one bricked his MBP and didn't back up because "It's a Mac, why would I back up?" Oops!
  13. Did someone say drinking until my liver is bloated and defunct while I yell at the TV, throw beer bottles, stumble around, and puke all over the TV until my wife files for divorce? YES!!!
  14. Woaw, who else saw Rich Rodriguez pull a Hillary Clinton? http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/news/story?id=4434031
  15. +++ Also watching Georgia, Oklahoma, Penn State, Pitt, and Michigan State.
  16. Saw him several years ago with an ex-girlfriend. She was a cunt, he was funny as heck.
  17. I'll be there with a couple Div III super comp cars. Anyone else?
  18. No shit. Nothing says "I could give a fucking flying piss about my family, fuck them" like doing 150 on a motorcycle on a public road. It says fuck yours, too.
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