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Everything posted by excell

  1. Is this some kind of joke nobody but you gets?
  2. Sunoco 94 is 93 with a bit more ethanol mixed in by the pump. It was a marketing gimmick to say they had the highest octane street fuel available. If you ask Sunoco, they're blaming eliminating 94 on new government regulations which is a half-truth - ethanol is more expensive to produce than the old octane additive MTBE, so it's their choice to remove 94. The increased price of 93 is making up the difference. If you're broken up over 94, just add a little Torco to your garden-variety 93. Viola, 94.
  3. I got married in this car. Very well taken care of. Wish I could buy it just for the sentimental value, good luck dude. :nod:
  4. It's certainly a possibility that you would. If you look back through years of my posts you'll find a lot of things that I don't believe in or don't practice anymore. It's called maturing, and as one matures their patterns of thought change - hopefully for the better. In this case, I believe mine have matured for the better.
  5. I'm here already waiting in Linders lot in a BF motorhome.
  6. And those aren't justified either. Defacing our President and any symbol of this country is disrespectful and despicable.
  7. You aren't the only one. The CDC and our department of health is, too.
  8. They're actually more expensive. The advantage is for penis-building only.
  9. Whether you like him or not, it's absolutely disrespectful and despicable.
  10. Personally, I would prefer a recall to vote Coleman out. Like I said, I see the merits of the increase - we needed it five years ago. But he was too afraid to spend his political capital and put his seat in jeopardy asking for it. The tactics used to get the issue to pass, such as threatening public safety, were shady. Even more shady was the pressure put on City employees to assist in getting this passed. In some departments it was basically "you better help somehow, either door-to-door or phone bank, or you may find yourself on the end of a pink slip if it fails". My wife, thankfully, wasn't pressured nearly as hard and we found out a month ago that even if it failed she was safe for now. She was pressured some - and I made it clear from the start that while I'd support the increase because I see the need, I categorically disagreed with the way it was being pushed and would not lend any support beyond my vote. One vote that will never be granted again is for Coleman. I will abstain from the race before I vote for him again. P.S. Tim, yep, beer for sure.
  11. lol well that went better than I expected. Heart you.
  12. I have a friend interested. PM me info, Benny?
  13. I understand that many people are and will be upset about the passing of the tax. I didn't agree with the way it was carried out, but I do see the merits in it. But this is inexcusable. Tim, you know we're cool, so forgive me when I tell you to take your shitty fucking stuck-up insulting attitude and shove it right up your ass. I applaud the strength of your convictions and opinions, but you need to learn how to debate and take challenges respectfully. Feel free to disagree with me, but at least show your age and wisdom while you're at it.
  14. That's for a historical plate, not collector.
  15. I know a 1986 SVO is allowed on it.
  16. No shit. I'm glad there's such a great group of guys on CR you go to for anything. The last few days with SVO prove that! Kevin to D&D to Hoblick.
  17. I told Hoblick that story last night, lol.
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