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Everything posted by excell

  1. Personally, I find it appalling that one is forced to "hack" their phone to make anything work. I like my Tilt through ATT because it came with all the stuff HTC designed into it, no hacking needed to make it work. My days of hacking phones are over - I just want the thing to work.
  2. Hell with that. Chicks with shaved heads are hot.
  3. I can't recommend the Headblade. I cut the living fuck out of myself, even with their "special" shaving cream. I even called their inquiries line and had someone on the phone with me when I was trying the third time, they couldn't understand why it wasn't working. Fuck that. Everyone I know who shaves uses a regular razor of some kind. I'm so gunshy now I haven't brought myself to try a regular razor yet. Not ready to relive that hell again. What a cool thing to do with your wife, Andy. Mad fucking props.
  4. excell


    The Mayan's are fucking dead. Why in the hell would you trust their calendar?
  5. And everybody knows the SVO is the best car in the room.
  6. Now that I've seen the pics... needs moar interior. I dunno, it's basically a race car, kitty is not impressed.
  7. He's always loose because he likes to take cock in the ass (yes homo). Not really sure why he always loses. I don't follow the NFL (yet). College sports FTW, fuck off Ben.
  8. I'll bet you'll deliver me some wood. Deliver it all night long!
  9. Yep. KB and Whipple are screw-style superchargers, most Eaton's (certainly your M112) are half-helix style superchargers. Apples, oranges. Wasn't trying to piss in your Wheaties or nothin', just letting you know it may not be the wisest idea.
  10. Yea... You know those actually serve a purpose other than to decrease sound, right? It's been a long time since I remembered this, but they help to smooth air pulses or something rather important. The SC 3800 guys were all about removing or filling them and they all lost power. Nate, where are you. I know you'll remember this!
  11. To his credit, he was in Cleveland and trying to email. But Verizon is still a piece of shit.
  12. Why did you fill those?
  13. excell

    Welcome Members:

    That's a fuckin' fight right there. My god, what have you done.
  14. What the fuck kinda emo club is that?
  15. I don't, what a turd. And that sales guy is a douche.
  16. Go price BMW parts versus Ford parts. Here's another idea: Never own a car and always have a payment. No thanks, I like to own something and be free of debt. I didn't say a word about reliability because neither of us know how reliable they'll be. What I said is one can assume with reasonable certainty that it'll be easier to work on with less costly replacement parts than most of the rest of it's class, which is true today. I wouldn't. I'm not interested in either car, different strokes for different folks.
  17. And do what when the warranty runs out and it costs you that much just to maintain it?
  18. I still want one. Lower it 1.5", tint, turn up the boost+tune=400HP AWD with the comfort and quiet similar to a Lexus or BMW. Yes, please. In winter just add snow tires.
  19. excell

    Credit Debt

    +++ Step 1: Call your creditors. Not calling them is the *worst* thing you can do. They need to know, and in most cases, they'll help you as noted above.
  20. Fuck you guys. I had to explain 8 times to our sales douche why his BlackBerry wasn't working and that he needed to call VZW.
  21. That would be the ultimate swap for my 02. :nod:
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